What Causes Soreness And A Blister On The Gums After Root Canal Therapy?
Seems like periapical or periodontal infection. Kindly upload images.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for consulting Heathcaremagic.
This is Dr. Priyanka tiwari answering your query.
I have read your query and understand your concern. As far as soreness and blister on gum is concern after root canal therapy this can be due Periapical or Periodontal infection.
Can you upload the picture of gum blister that would be more helpful for me to give you proper dignosis.
Inmeantime i would suggest you to maintain good oral hygiene.
- You can take medicine like Amoxicillin with metronidazole by consulting with local doctor.
- Take Cap. Vitamin b complex once daily.
- Avoid hot and spicy food.
Awating for pictures to comment further.
Hope this will help you.
Thanks and regards.