What Causes Soreness Around Neck And Ear Ache?
Detailed Answer:
I had gone through your question and understand your concerns that you are having ear blockage with decreased hearing. I would like to ask you few more details.
Is there any cold (running nose) ?
Is your sore neck glands associated with throat pain ?
Kindly get back to me with the details.
Here my possibility and further management:
As per your clinical details, it appears to be otitis media (ear drum infection- where pain precedes ear block followed by hearing loss), secondary to common cold or sore throat.
I suggest you to to consult ent surgeon and get detailed Ent examination ( cold, pharyngitis), otoscopy (status of ear drum). You may require analgesics, antibiotic ear drops, change of oral antibiotics. Depending on the examination findings, further treatment can be started.
Get back to me with details and if you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
Wishing you good health.
Don't have sore throat anymore but my neck glands still sore feels like have Fluid in my ears
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
Thanks for considering my answer and for your follow up.
Stuffy nose with ear blockage suggests eustachian tube (tube connecting middle ear and nose) dysfunction. You require decongestants in the form of oral tabs, nasal drops and antibiotics. For proper medication dosage and prescription you need to visit your treating physician or an ENT doctor
Meanwhile, do valsalva ( watch you tube video) exercises, chew chewing gum and steam inhalation.
Hope, I have answered your query.
Take care.