What Causes Soreness In The Testicles And Lower Back ?
It is somewhat difficult to pinpoint the exact source of your discomfort. It may be from a mild degree of inflammation in the perineum which might take some time to improve. Along those lines I recommend you discontinue running in favor of some other exercise such as elliptical or rowing for the next 6 weeks. Also, for the next 2 weeks I recommend you start taking ibuprofen 400 mg three times per day - again for a total of 14 days. The hope here is that the ibuprofen will improve the inflammation and the discontinuation of running will allow your body some time to heal.
The reason the pain is worse since the fall is possibly due to a very tiny fracture near the pubic ramus. This would only be picked up on an X-ray and it sounds like you have not had an xray of your pelvis so far. This might not be a bad idea to get to make sure there is nothing more extensive that that.
I don't think the pain is from your bladder or prostate - I feel it is more musculoskeletal in origin. Please see your physician to follow up on these concerns.
I thank you again for the query and hope you find this reply to be helpful and informative. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga
A nerve injury along the column is certainly possible but hard to tell even with an expensive MRI scan.
I encourage you to attend the visits with your chiropractor and keep me apprised of your progress. I am interested to know how you do and am very optimistic that you will experience gradual continued improvement.
Thanks again for the query. I am always here if you have any additional questions I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga