Question: 17 days ago, I had a ureteroscopy done to remove a 9mm stone, but no stone was found, even though the xray clearly showed one. I know I did not pass it because I strained every time and nothing ever passed. The doctor said the juncture between my ureter and my bladder is exceptionally small, so not likely that a 9mm stone passed through it. The doctor never did an
MRI, a
CT Scan or anything else because the stone was showing up on a regular abdominal xray. Now he says he doesn't know what that shadow really was. But, here is my question. After 17 days, I am in excruciating pain. I have had to go to the ER twice to get an injection to relieve the pain. The CT scan that was done in the ER shows that my kidneys and ureters are swollen, but labs show no evidence of an infection. When I urinate, it feels lake razor blades in my ureter, and then my bladder goes into spasms and the pain lasts for an hour or more. I constantly feel like I have to empty my bladder. Sometimes, I have trouble starting my urine flow. If I bear down, I sometimes pass a small blood clot or a plug of blood tinged mucus, and then I can empty my bladder and I feel better. Today, a kernel of
corn ended up in the strainer. I have no idea where that came from. I consistently have blood in my urine when I see the doctor, ranging from +3 to "many." Sometimes my urine is red. Still, no infection. My doctor wants to do an
ultrasound in a month. No follow up appointments were made until after the ultrasound is done. I want to know if this pain is normal 2 1/2 weeks after that procedure, should I insist on another office visit, and how long am I going to be in pain.