Brief Answer:
I need few more details to suggest a remedy.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to health care magic
I am Dr Dadapeer, an ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
It seems from the history that you have been operated for cataract in right XXXXXXX following which you are having difficulties in vision in the form of star bursting or glare when viewing bright sources of light.
The causes for this problem in the early postooperative period are
corneal edema and post operative inflammation. These two can be treated by drugs in the form of eye drops.
The causes in the late postoperative period are after cataract and retinal problems like
cystoid macular edema. These can be treated by
laser treatment for after cataract and by use of steroid drugs for cystoid macular edema.
After reviewing the history I guess you probably have underwent
laser surgery for after cataract.
The other common problem giving raise to star burst is dilated pupil following surgery.
This can be treated by using dark glasses or a
contact lens to prevent the entry of more light into eye.
The other scenario is use of multi focal
intraocular lens, it can cause diffraction of light causing star burst particularly while driving.
To answer specifically in your case I require few more details like
Date of surgery and type of surgery?
Any complications in the postoperative period after cataract surgery?
Vision in that eye with correction by spectacles?
Whether you had multi focal Iintra ocular lens
implantation or normal Introcular lens?
What laser you had following cataract surgery?
Do answer for the above questions so that I can answer you more accurately.
Thank you