What Causes Stomach Ulcers?
Thanks alot
the decortin is a bad idea
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for your question.
Most often ulcers in the stomach or esophagus come from excess stomach acid, however there are other things that can cause ulcers. One is steroids and that is what decortin is. It can be the reason that your ulcer has not healed. Other things that can cause ulcers are alcohol, tobacco and anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen. If you are taking any of these you should stop. the usual treatment to cure an ulcer is six weeks of a proton pump inhibitor like omeprazole. If this has not worked then a liquid carafate solution may help to heal it up. Also I wonder if there has been a biopsy to rule out cancer. Unhealing ulcers are concerning for cancer.
The last thing I would like to mention is Helicobacter Pylori. That is a bacteria that can also cause ulcers. If you have not been tested for that it would be a good idea. Antibiotics can cure that and let the ulcer heal.
I hope you are seeing a gastroenterologist for this problem as unhealing ulcers are very concerning.
I wish you the best,
Dr. Robinson
I was actually checked for cancer as well as different viruses by my doctors and all came negative. Finally they decided to put me on Decortin + Asacol. And when I am on decortin the symptoms dissapear and come back after a few weeks.
At the moment I am not on decortin but am on asacol and the symptoms started again. Could it be caused by any other thing that I am eating, such as dairy products, coffee (I am taking these very limited though) etc..?
yes could be dietary
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for the feedback.
One more thought is Crohn's disease but I am sure that your gastroenterologist checked for that if you have had a colonoscopy. Crohn's can present with ulcers in any part of the gi tract from the mouth to the rectum.
It would be good to do an elimination diet first eliminating dairy commpletely. Next would be caffeine, then gluten.
You need to do these eliminations for a few months to really see a result. Adding foods that fight inflammation and eliminating foods that are proinflammatory may also be helpful.
You can find information on a good diet to fight inflammation on the arthritis foundation website at:
You can find information on the most inflammatory foods on this women's health website
I hope this is helpful
Dr. Robinson