Brief need to be evaluated because there can be various causes for sudden onset of
double vision.
Detailed answer....
Thanks for the query.
I have read your reports and find that everything is normal except mild increase in
homocysteine levels,which in fact doesn't mean anything of much significance.
A very high levels of homocysteine are found in cases of strokes or heart attacks etc.
There can be various causes for double vision which can range from local eye problems like corneal ulcers and dry cornea,cataract,eye muscles problem like myasthenia gravies,diabetes,thyroid malfunctioning and brain problems like stroke,aneurysm,
brain tumour,increased intracranial pressure as in bleeding from trauma or some infection.
You need to consult a eye specialist to look for eye problem and if eyes are normal ,then you should
consult a neurologist to look for some brain pathology.
In such a event you need to get either a CT or MRI of brain.
Also get your
thyroid function tests done.
Treatment would depend upon finding the cause.
I hope it helps however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck