What Causes Sudden Paralysis From Neck?
Cataplexy is a possible cause
Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I appreciate your concern about your friend.
That description is completely compatible with the description of cataplexy, which is a transitory loss of muscle tone, often triggered by strong emotions. While it may rarely be found in isolation, the reason her research has brought her to narcolepsy is because it more commonly is part of narcolepsy, so commonly associated with other symptoms like daytime sleepiness, disturbed night sleep etc. So a good history about other possible symptoms is necessary, if present the diagnosis is reinforced.
If it is a completely isolated symptom though, since that is rare (although can happen), other possibilities should be excluded, such as presyncope which can occur in the setting of heart arrhythmia, aortic stenosis etc, so a physical exam, electrocardiography, echocardiography may be needed. Another possibility to be excluded if all comes back normal is the seizure possibility through EEG.
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