What Causes Sudden Shooting Pain In Left Armpit?
Likely musculoskeletal
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Sudden pain out of the blue in armpit and chest with worsening on deep breath and managed with a posture change or shallow breath is likely a musculoskeletal origin. However , ay forearm pain with chest involvement should be evaluated and assessed. You are young and should not be a problem regarding heart or lungs. But there is no harm in getting an ekg done and a chest x ray to rule out any sinister pathology underneath. Once ruled out, all you would need is some rest, massage, some NSAIDs like aleve or ibuprofen and some muscle relaxants like skelaxin etc.
Talk to your doctor and let them help you in this regard. I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.
Again, THANK YOU, for your help thus far. deeply appreciative.
Best regards.
Still musculoskeletal
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for getting back to me Mr XXXXXXX
Mentioning of pectoral girdle does not change the likely outcome of the fact which is musculoskeletal as every dull and persistent pain is. Rest of the work up is just for the peace of mind. So get to your doctor and let them sort it out for you.
I hope it helps.
Take care