What Causes Sudden Weight Loss?
Hi there!
Detailed Answer:
First, there are many calculations to determine a prediction of basal metabolism yet they are all just that - predictive. The most accurate equation to use at this point in time is the Mifflin St-Jeor calculation. I cannot do it on you because I need age (have that) sex (have that) current weight (183) and height (missing) along with activity level - activity 1-3 x per week, how active? Let me calculate it and see what I come up with.
The next problematic issue with calories is accurate measurement and portion size recording. Are you certain you are recording your calories accurately? I suggest you start a diet diary containing portion size (actually measure until you can eyeball accurately), the food including how it was cooked, beverages. ..
Next in the equation is your activity calories in your training program. Are you calculating those accurately?
So, essentially you are still eating too much or exercising too little we just need to determine which. Also, muscle weighs more than fat, so if you want to decrease your % body fat, your % muscle will go up and that by itself will cause a gain on the scale.What training heart rate zone are you in?
So, send me your height and let me do the Mifflin on you. Also, what exercises are you doing to decrease percent fat? What changes have you made in your diet? What training supplements are you taking if any? How do you rehydrate? How do you eat, before or after practice?
Let me know the answers to these questions and I will see what more I can do for you. You want your total caloric need? What specifically is your goal and what specifically do you want me to help you with? You are wondering why the fatigue? Why the weight gain? What is your percent body fat now?
I do see one thing right away. If you want energy for working out, I suggest you increase your carbohydrate percentage and decrease the protein percentage. Your proteins at 35% are too high to provide you the type of ENERGY you need for your workout routine. You are only eating 41% carbohydrates and your total calories are actually 2,141 not 2100, so not only are you not enough carbohydrate to provide your body the preferred fuel, you may not be eating them at the correct time in sync with your workout. Can you tell me a little bit about whether you eat carbs before or after your workout? Do you rehydrate and how do you know how much to drink to rehydrate?
Now I will tell you one more thing. If you have been eating 1600 calories per day your body may have temporarily lowered its metabolism and it is better to increase calories slowly so as NOT to gain that weight. You did not give your metabolism time to catch up with the additional calories. You can add some thermo boosters short term to try to get the metabolism back up and/or go back and start over by gradually increasing calories slowly instead of overnight. Things that help increase your metabolism are ECGC present in green tea ( about 5 clear cups per day with lots of water, but avoid if history of kidney stones); drinking green coffee is thermogenic; you don't want to use stimulants.
I look forward to hearing from you so i can take a look at your calculations and your training routine.
I hope I have explained some of what has happened here. I look forward to your clarifications.
Congratulations on that very successful weight loss! I am so happy for you!
Regards, XXXXXXX Shattler, MS,RDN
Hi Again!
Detailed Answer:
Actually, you really underestimated your caloric need. Using the Mifflin equation at exercising 1-3x per week (I know, way under what you really do) I came up with 2,561 calories to maintain 183 pounds and 2,490 calories to maintain 178 pounds. If you were to focus on weight loss you would subtract 500 calories from given amount to lose one pound of body fat per week.
So, it looks like what happened is you cut your calories down so darn far that your metabolism lowered itself (survival mechanism). Your weight loss routine is pristine. Hydration is optimal. You must break your plateau and get your metabolism back up. Your metabolism is maintaining your body weight now on 1600 calories. Tricky situation.
Probably the best thing to do is lower the calories again and start all over except this time increase the calories more slowly until you get them up to where you feel good and your % body fat stabilizes.
Your weight will be heavier the more muscle you put on so don't figure on staying the same weight, you will gain. But as long as your percent body fat is good then the weight is all muscle.
So, I have given you the most accurate calorie calculation we have. Remember, everyone is different. However, I am convinced that you have hit that dreadful weight plateau. You are already doing a great job at fooling your metabolism so the only thing I see left is to start over with the calorie increase and incorporate green tea, 5 cups daily (only works if clear, no milk) combined with quercetin. Take before meals. Or, you may supplement with ECGC pills, but I prefer the tea. Combining quercetin with green tea has a synergistic effect on the increase in metabolism. Quercetin is classified as a flavanoid.
I hope I have answered your query and given you some direction to go in.
Regards, Kathy Shattler, MS,RDN
Hi there!
Detailed Answer:
Yes, you have the idea.
Also, I wanted to have you ponder on whether your weight goal is realistic and achievable long term. I tell all my patients that, set realistic and achievable goals. You have to realize you have already accomplished a lot! Give yourself credit!
I know I am proud of what you have achieved! I truly know how hard it is and the level of commitment it takes to get to where you are now. Maybe you should relax and reconsider your long term goals.
I bet you are looking really good right now. The next thing is to feel good about your body, yourself and what you have accomplished. You will be much happier if you ponder on what I told you about being realistic about your goals and whether you can maintain that goal long term.
Again, congratulations on your accomplishments. Now just work on getting that metabolism back up there so you can feel great and have the energy you so badly need!
Regards, XXXXXXX Shattler, MS,RDN