What Causes Throat Pain Along With Dry Nose And Red Bumps In Pharynx?
my name is XXXX and I am 33 years old. I am originally from Germany but I live in Costa Rica for 1 year, before I used to live two years in Guatemala where all my problems began. I have been suffering since then from a pain in my throat which is in areas of the larynx (right and left from it) as well as at the righter side where the neck starts. I marked the areas where the pain appears more frequently and I enclosed the picture so you might better understand me. I also enclosed a photo of my pharynx.
Further symptoms are: dry mucosa in throat and nose (regarding my ENT), red bumbs in the middle of my pharynx, two red lines in the pharynx, foamy saliva in the pharynx, sometimes congested nose, mucus in the throat in the morning when I wake up (sometimes transparent, sometimes yellow), sometimes a painful sensation at the point where you clear your throat, sometimes hoarse voice (very rare), sometimes feeling of lump in the throat (very rare), sometimes I feel having mucous in my bronchia (very rare, easy to cough it away), sometimes a burning sensation inside my nose, sometimes when I have a conversation in a loud environment and I have to speak a bid louder my throat begins hurting (I guess in the area of the vocal records).
I was first suspected to have acid reflux and went through a ph metry, manometry and gastro endoscopy with all negative results. Since the doctor however still insisted in acid reflux i was treated with an aggressive acid reflux treatment (twice a day Nexium 40mg, after every meal Malox and still other anti-acids i do not remember). There was no response and I continued to have the same symptoms. I was then recommended with an ENT specialist who first made a CAT scanner check and I was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis, cysts in my paranasal sinuses and a deviated septum. After a treatment with antibiotics and cortisone nasal spray with no response i received a surgery on the August 15th. Unfortunately there was no improvement.
During the last year I have had three times a very painful sensation directly above my larynx which always lasted around 10 days. An ultrasound exam resulted in a thyroglosal cyst. My ENT wants to remove it, however, he is not sure if my other symptoms are related to this cyst and that is why I do not want a second surgery, besides I am afraid of having an unaesthetic scare on my neck afterwards.
I went through an incredible amount of blood tests – all with normal results. I was checked on my thyroid – all normal (hormones, size), I was treated with saline water washes, saline nose spray, cortisone nose spray, antihistamines (Syngulair, Zyrtec, Aerius), no improvement, an allergy blood test resulted negative
I would like to know, is there anything I can still do? What is the reason of my problem?
Thank you very much for your help.
re-investigate(sinusitis),thryroglossal cyst remov
Detailed Answer:
I had gone through your question and understand your concerns.
As per your details, there are two possibilities
1. As per photo (pharyngitis secondary to post nasal drip of sinusitis).
2. Thyroglossal cyst can cause dyspepsia (acid reflux) dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing) if it is in large size, and can cause repeated throat infections.
I suggest you to re- investigate the sinusitis (ct scan of para nasal sinuses) for any missed diagnosis. And go ahead for the surgery for thyroglossal cyst (in long standing cases it can transform into carcinoma).
Hope this answers your question, if you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
Wishing you good health.
Thank you for your response. The thyroglosal cyst is 8mm. There is a second one of 4mm.
Even though cysts are small you recommend to remove them?
thyrogossal cyst removal
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for considering my answer and for your follow up.
Yes. Go ahead for the surgery. Two cysts, definitely can cause acid reflux and difficulty in swallowing. studies have shown, In long standing thyrogossal cyst can change into carcinoma.
I hope my answers will help you, all the best, take care.