What Causes Titnitus?
it is called TINNITUS
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to health care magic,
I am Dr Sriram Nathan, an ENT surgeon and by your description it is obvious that you have a condition called the Tinnitus or sound in the ear. Although there are many causes for this, it is most often related to hearing loss in which case it is called a Neural tinnitus.
In any case, my advice to you would be these:
- Get a complete audiological evaluation done which includes a test called the pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry and impedance audiometry. Get this and get back to me or any ENT with the reports
-Get a CT Brain in light of your previous accident and also the surgery recently performed to rule out any ominous lesion
-Get also a neurologist consult as the malformation/deformity and encephalitis history seems of concern and my also cause this problem.
-In any case if all the tests are normal then just try to ignore the sound and do not worry about the same as tinnitus can come without any cause and the more you worry about it, the more it will bother you.
-Try also relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation which will really reduce the noise.
-In case your hearing is found to be reduced then get a good hearing aid which will also improve your tinnitus to a great extent.
Hope this helps and if you do have any more queries you can get back to me anytime but in any case do not worry.
Dr Sriram Nathan