What Causes Visible Spots In Left Eye When Exposed To Sun?
Whenever I step out of my house in bright sun, i can see a faint scratch/spot in fron of my left eye. It is not exactly in front but towards the bottom side. Could you please suggest what this could be?
Please note I do not see it when I work in my office on my laptop or when I am at home or when I look at the palin wall. It is visible only in sun when I am outside.
These are floaters and need no treatment.
Detailed Answer:
My dear,
Thanks fkr sending your query to us.
These are floaters,small fibres seen in vitreous gel.This jelly like substance occupiesabout 1/5of eye in the posterior part.
You have correctly observed that these are seen on light back ground like sky and not in the room.
We in our pra tice do not routinely treat these patients unless tbey interfere with reading. We only councel these patients about innocuous ature of this problem.
As a treatment we advice tablet Vitamin C 500 mg.daily for at least6 weeks as medication reaches tbis area very slowly.
Do not worry.This is not a disease and may ocvur in many normal people .Do get back to me in case of any further query in this regard.