11/16/2011---I have had ONE headache for six weeks. It moves all around my head all day long. I go to bed with it and wake up with it. It is there when I wake up during the night. It is not severe enough to make me cry, or sit in the dark. It moves all day long from sinus area, to temples, to back of head, to top of head, check bone, no pattern, just a floater.....I have had a MRI head and brain, with and without contrast this past week and it shows a possible small aneurism which will be checked by CAT scan this next week. I am 54, menopausal. This headache is consistant 24 X 7. I take and have been on Lexapro for years and have checked with my OB-GYN and have been cleared. My eyes were checked in July this year. I have had no head trauma. First noticed after a zumba class and thought it was a possible ache due to hunger and it just never went away. What are your thoughts?