What Causes White Tissue Like Matter In Urine?
Fungating mass, needs evaluation and atypical causes work up
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Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Raised leukocytes and no infection are contradictory statements. Raised leukocytes means infective process going on. White tissue in urine should be assessed for calcium sediments, granular casts, albumin levels and other proteins assessment, renal functions etc.
Negative biopsies of a mass growing at a rapid pace should be assessed for fungating masses as any thign growing at that pace is worrisome and should be re evaluated for some malignancy options. Also interstitial cystitis can present this way.
The picture of urine shows brownish discharge , that is blood likely. Nutshell, with negative biopsy and histopathology and urine culture reports, atypical causes like fungal infections and urinary tract infection or interstitial cystitis etc should be considered.
If possible i would like you to share the biopsy report statements with me as well as any other conclusive evidence yet your doctors could come across, may be in could connect the dots better then.
Ihope it helps. Take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.
s wouldn't kill it but it could lessen my symptoms and then I would know more about what I was dealing with. a week later, my symptoms improved. I stopped hurting and I wasn't passing that stuff anymore and I was passing it every day. I even looked into it more about what it was and where I got it and for how long. symptoms started in 08..the effects it's had on me over the years will blow your mind. I'm on to something huge here and noone will listen to me.
Needs work up and evaluation
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Thank you for getting back to me
As i mentioned the major diagnostic modalities are urine routine exam, urine culture, cystoscopy, biopsy of the bladder sample etc to sort out the cause. All these labs were negative and clean which is a good thing.
Fungal infections comes next, as you mentioned your symptoms improved with use of antifungals , that makes it more likely to be a fungal infection. let your doctors arrange fungal hyphae cultures to sort out fungal etiology and also parasitic etiologies like schistosomiasis etc.
You may request a repeat cystoscopy this time even assessing ureters and kidneys if possible and let them takr tissue samples from different sites of bladder to be more thorough.
Medicine and diagnostics work on testing and diagnostic modalities and with all those coming negative, i am afraid more and more effort to find out the cause is the only option doctors can provided.
I f you still feel like no body listens to you mam, i am here to reassure that we listen and we care and we are all ears to what you have to say , but you will need thorough investigation to find out the alternative etiologies.
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Thank you for kind words
It our duty to make our patients feel comfortable. Its good that you have answers now. Please feel free to get back to me any time with nay query you have. I will be more than happy and obliged to respond at an earliest convenience. Regular follow ups and routine exam would be wise.
No worries
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Thank you for getting back to me
Usually bladder infections due to fungal causes are rare, but its another form of UTI a bit atypical but easily treatable and manageable. Also its not transmissible via coitus or intimacy so you wont spread it to your husband. However get genital swabs to rule out genitals involvements as that could cause involvement and transmission. Rest assured treatment is symptomatic and recovery is very good.
I hope it helps.