What Causes Yellow Discoloration Of The Stool?
Presence of yellow stool require detailed evaluation
Detailed Answer:
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Yellow colored stools is suggestive of several disorders including
-Liver disorders like hepatitis: Usually associated pain, fever, jaundice will be present. Hepatitis serology required to rule out hepatitis
-Gallstones- present with intermittent colicky right upper abdominal pain. USG abdomen to confirm/ rule out presence of gallstones
-Cholecystitis: inflamed gallbladder due to the presence of stones. Confirmed with ultrasound abdomen.
-Chronic pancreatitis: Inflammation of pancreas resulting in deficiency of pancreatic hormones. Usually associated with abdominal pain. Pancreatic enzyme analysis, CT abdomen required for evaluating pancreatitis.
-Malabsorption syndrome: include disorders like gluten sensitivity, inflammatory bowel disease etc. Stool analysis and microscopy is indicated.
-Sometimes diet rich in carrots and food coloring agents can lead to yellow stools.
As you can see there is a spectrum of disorders that can cause yellow stools and several investigations needed for evaluation. It is difficult to give you a definite answer at this point. So, please be advised to follow up with your primary provider for necessary evaluation done.
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