What Causes Yellowish Vaginal Discharge After An Abortion?
This is normal at this time of post abortion phase,suggestions given.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear
Thanks for using Healthcaremagic.com
I have evaluated your query thoroughly .
* The discharge mentioned seems in relation to abortion before 3 days , not in
relation with chair issue .
* This is residual effect of abortion which may last for 7 to 10 days normally .
* Suggestions for better outcome
- Drink plenty of liquids .
- Wear loose , clean , cotton inner wears .
- Keep genitals clean with antiseptic liquids , dry .
- Pain killer if more pain .
- Cranberry XXXXXXX once daily in a glass of drinking water , organic citrus
fruits , vitamin c supplements help a lot .
Welcome for any further guidance .
Wishing you fine recovery & excellent health ahead .
Regards .