What Complications Arise With A Placenta Hematoma?
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Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
The main complication with a placenta hematoma(lake) is that it reduces the amount of space available for exchange of nutrients and waste. This in the long run would impact on the growth of the fetus. This would most likely cause what is called fetal growth retardation. From the information you have provided, the baby seems on track and this is good news. It means that there is no real threat at this time to the nutrition and all is well. Serial monitoring with ultrasound would be able to tell whether there is something more that needs to be addressed if the parameters are no longer in line.
The hematoma stops growing in size when the leak stops. In most cases, this is a spontaneous process. There is no medication that can help with this process. Bed rest per se would not make any huge change. However, resting and keeping away fro very strenuous exercises during pregnancy is always advised.
In all, there is nothing that can be done. Monitoring is key and unless an identified direct cause is diagnosed which you have not mentioned, there is no real fix. Main complications would include retarded growth and possible premature delivery.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Thank you so much for using our services and feel free to ask for more information and clarifications if need be. I wish you an event free pregnancy and a safe delivery.
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Detailed Answer:
HI and thanks for following up with me.
It would be unlikely for a big size lake to resolve all by itself. However, I will not expect it to grow any bigger unless there is continued bleeding. This is rarely the case. Should this happen, the ultrasound would be able to pick this up and prompt further investigations. Do you have any other disease condition like hypertension? This could be a worsening as well as provoking factor.
I wish you well. Keep me posted and let me know if there is anything more I should b doing at this time.