Question: Good Morning,
I have back and neck MRI dated May 2012 states:
I have a strainghtening of the normal
lumbar lordosis, L4-5 -there is minimal disc bulging. no canal stenosis or neuralformina, L-5-S1 -minimal disc bulging with no evidence o stenosis..Aug 2009 xray showed that I have a dislocated tailbone and an old fracture of S2-3. Cervical MRI May 2012 showed..mild reversal of the normal cervical curvature..C2-3 minimal disk bulging no stenosis.C3-C4 there is a small focal central disk protrusion with no stenosis C4-C5 there is slightly larger left paracentral dis protrusion minimally narrowing the left anteiror
spinal canal..Impression Mild degenerative
disc disease from C2-3 through C4-C5..I had an
cervical epidural injection that did not help I started to have symptoms that come and go for instance I feeling like I have something cold on my legs, itching, headaches, limping,feeling hot, leg cramps,jaw tightness, tingling and numbing in legs, back, neck, right arm... these syptoms come and go. I had another MRI of my neck in Sept 2013 which states mild reversal of the normal
cervical spine curvature. C2-C3 minimal posterior
disc osteophyte complex formation w/o disc herniation no stenosis, C3-C4 mild
posterior osteophyte complex formation w/o disc herniation no stenosis, C4-C5 mild posterior disc osteophyt complex formation w/o dis herniation no significant hypertrophy very small perineural cysts are seen in the neural foramen billaterally unchanged from prior MRI, C5-C6 mild posterior osteophyte complex formation w/o disc herniation small perineural cyst measuring 8mm in size on the right and left are again seen in the neural foramen unchanged from prior MRI, C6-C7 no disc buldge or herniation very small 4mm right perineural cyst is noted in the neural foramen exetremly tiny perineural cyst in left neural foramen no stenosis, C7-T1 no disc buldge or herniation no significant hypertrophy 9mm right perineural cyst is noted. Impression..stable mild muti level degerative changes with perineural cysts in mid cervical spine as described above and unchaned for prior study. I was not aware of the cycst in the May 2012 MRI.. I have been sent to pain management to control the pain and given pain med to conrol the pain but no one has told me in laymans term what is going on with me. I've been told that my back is fine but it doesnt feel fine and no one see a problem. Please help. Thank You