What Do My Lab Test Reports Indicate?
My Office has arranged for Annual medical Medical health checkup and I have taken the medical health checkup. I have attached the reports in PDF format for your kind review. I found something related to Lever, Heart and Bilirubin, requesting your medical examination on the report and kindly suggest me for the next course of action.
Thanks and Regards
hello XXXXXXX , All your reports are NORMAL , and you are fit and healthy
Detailed Answer:
Hi , Dear XXXXXXX , let us have a detailed discussion on your queries ,
1) Bilirubin . now the indirect component of bilirubin is just boderline high than normal range. bilirubin is produced in the body as a result of breakdown of hemoglobin /RBC as part of normal recycling . so if you have noticed your hemoglobin is on a little higher side as compared to normal , the result of which the bilirubin is high , which is completely harmless and needs no furthur investigation as your liver enzymes are in normal range .
Now you may think Y is my hemoglobin higher ? > Its a normal phenomenon if your diet is healthy , sometimes its seen as compenstory rise in ppl who smoke , so if you do smoke , i will request you to phase it out and if you dont its perfectly ok.
2) The heart risk is maybe calculated on the basis of lipid profe , age here . The other parameters of BMI and Blood pressure , sugars , kidney function are perfectly normal . so lets discuss your LIPID PROFILE. XXXXXXX grossly the lipid are normal and dont warrent any medicaion for it . some fine tuning may make it perfect.
HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol which is a little lower , the result of which the ratios involving it are higher , LDL ,the bad cholesterol and tryglycerides are just boderline high . so how do we improve it .
The best way of doing so , Is exercise , 30-45 mins of aerobic exercise per day for atleast 5 days of week will push your HDL up . you may cut upon oil in food, include 2-3 servingcof fish in a week and change to healthier oils like olive as part of overall health , secondly you may ave supplements like flax seeds , omega 3 fatty acids capsule sos though not warrented at this point of time .
3) What is next plan , based on reports you submitted i would recommend no furthur test , however as you are reaching 40 , next evaluation do include treadmill Stress test and once 2D echocardiography as part of cardiac evaluation and any other test based on your symptoms .
4) As you are on thyroxine hoping S.TSH is normal as that report was not attached.
hoping this will help . Regards Dr. Priyank Mody
Thanks a lot for the details.
I am having a high constipation and I am not getting proper hickups and it is literally creating pain on my chest area.
I have been taking Sompraz D 20, Nexpro rd 75 and Vibact DS, pegmove for the last couple of months. (I would have consumed 40 Tablets in the last 3 months).
Requesting you medical assistance on this as well.
My Dr told me that Thyroid problem could cause the constipation, i have attached my recent thyroid report for the same.
Thanks and Regards
Detailed Answer:
hi XXXXXXX , As your doctor truly mentioned hypothyroidism may have been the cause of constipation , however the thyroid profile you sent me is normal (however you should rpt 6 monthly , this time do free t3/t4 instead of total ) .
Now sompraz d / nexpro rd are same drug just different brands and so one is enough . also i think the basic reason of dyspepsia and sensitive stomach is constipation ; some remedies i may suggest is
1) increase upon the fiber intake , thats the best and long term cure . eat more of green leafy vegeatable, Beans ,Apricots,Whole grain bread,Berries,Broccoli,Plums, pears, and apples,nuts,Potatoes (skip the fries though)
2)a small walk before going to the loo, maintain a schedule and if comfortable an XXXXXXX sitting toilet .
3) coffee helps instead of tea in morning
4)1 table sp0on of flax seed oil with any pulp juice , aloe vera
5) if above dont help you may use commercially available isapgul husk with warm glass of milk or laxative liq cremaffin / Duphalac on sos basis .
i want you to remember that constipation is a chronin problem many of us face as a result of our busy and irregular lifestyle and the treatment here should holistic to achieve long term benefits . regards