What Do My Lab Test Reports Indicate?
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for the question,
Though the stage III means it is not confined to the kidney most of what they report is confined to the kidney. It clearly states that the lymph node taken is negative and that vessels and ureter are free of tumor.
However, the stage III means that the tumor has grown beyond the kidney so that means that yes it has spread outside the kidney.
T3 means that the tumor is large.
N0 means that no nodes are involved (but they only tested one)
The MX means that the metastasis cannot be measured.
The indication of spread that is in the readout is lymphvascular embolization seen. This means that even though they cannot measure it and did not find it specifically that they believe it has moved out of the kidney.
Please talk to the oncologist for more information and treatment options.
Dr. Robinson