What Do My Lab Test Reports Indicate?
Thanks and regards
Detailed answer.....
Thanks for the query
I have read your query and understand your concern.
Although reports for dengue and chikunguniya are normal but I don't find it to be proper.
Dengue test should be again repeated after 2 days since it is just one day after fever.
Moreover test for chikunguniya is wrong because antibodies don't form in one day. This test becomes positive only around 8 days after fever.
Best would be to get REAL TIME PCR for both dengue as well as chikunguniya which would be best to diagnose them.Get it done tomorrow.
His TLC shows high neutrophils ( 88 ). He should be put on an antibiotic like CEFIXIME 200 mg twice daily after consulting his doctor and i would also like to get an X ray chest along with ultrasound abdomen along with blood culture if result for dengue and chickungunia is negative.
Discuss with your doctor on above lines.
Rest of the treatment should be...
Paracetamol one tablet 3-4 times a day
Plenty of oral fluids like water,lemon water,coconut water.
Have a close watch on him.
If you find him restless and not taking enough liquid by mouth and not passing proper urine,or having persistent vomiting or pain abdomen,then go to hospital and get him admitted.
I hope it helps,however you are most welcome to revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck