What Do My Lab Test Reports Indicate?
Due to use of hepatotoxic drugs
Detailed Answer:
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Firstly i am very sorry for your health conditions.
Secondly you are on a number of medications most of these medicines are metabolized and excreted by liver.Some of these medicines are ribosome stimulator these ribosome are integral part of every cell,However over stimulation of them cause increased secretion of enzymes.
For any clinical significance these enzymes should at least be three times the normal.
Mild variation of these enzymes in your case is likely due to use of toxic medications like Adderall XR lamotrigine paroxetine etc.
Suggestion as all scans are normal i don't think you should worry about mildly deranged enzymes level.
Start taking milk of thistle sylimarin once daily ,They are liver rejenuvators and would help to regenerate your liver.
Along with it take liv 52 ds tablet one tablet once daily.
Both of them are potent and natural liver rejenuvators and would rejenuvate your liver and help to counter the side effects of liver toxic medications you are on.
Thank you.