What Do My Ultrasound Scan Test Results Indicate?
Please find the following result of my recent test:
Uterus: It is bulky, gravid and anteverted in position. Myometrial echotexture is homogenous. Endometrial cavity contains single gestational sac with FOETAL POLE. Cartiac pulsation is absent.
CRL: 6.1 mm
Corresponding to: 6 weeks 3 days
Adnexa: Right ovary contains cystic area with thick internal echo 66.2 X 67.8 mm. Left ovary contains functional cyst 26.9 X 28.4 mm.
Comments made by doctor: Early intrauterine pregnancy about 6-7 weeks with right ovarian chocolate cysts.
Also please find my two previous USG reports as follows:
I am pregnant for 7+ weeks. I have endometriosis. My Ultrasound report has some error that I did on 14 July 2016 as they did not get the fetal pole. It was also showing that the uterus is anteverted and is gravid with a single gestational sac. Yolk sac is seen within in; however it was not seen in previous USG report done one month back on 14 XXXXXXX the GSD is 24.2 mm (it was 14.7mm). The Trophoblastic reaction is strong in both reports.They did not get the fetal pole; however it was found in recent TVS USG report.
My Question to you:
1. As the Yolk sac and fetal pole is found, the heartbeat is still absent, is there any hope for further development? And I don't need feel any bleeding, spotting, cramp or pain at my lower abdomen and lower back.
2. Shall I wait more to get the heart beat? If I delayed, is there any life risk e.g., excessive bleeding. How long I can wait?
3. Is my Endometriosis is responsible for all these negative impact on my pregnancy? Should I need to remove this as soon as possible? Does the surgery have any impact on my future pregnancy? Which method I need to take for surgery?
Looking forward to getting your suggestion please.
first get D&C done,then laparoscopically deal with endometriosis .
Detailed Answer:
Dr. Purushottam welcomes you to HCM virtual clinic!
Thanks for consulting at my virtual clinic. I have carefully gone through your query, and I think I have understood your concern. I will try to address your medical concerns and would suggest you the best of the available treatment options.
1) First of all do not panic.
2) It is good that you do not have any bleeding, spotting or abdominal pain. But these symptoms do not necessarily happen. Also, after, 6 mm size of baby it is not possible to expect heartbeats to reappear.
3) It is a n unfortunate incidence, medically called as missed abortion. That's why your doctor has prudently advised to undergo D&E.
Yes, it can involve risks like- bleeding, infection etc.
It will be better to clear it off as early as possible.
4)Per say endometriosis should not have such impact on pregnancy.
Pregnancy itself suppresses that pathology for 9 months period.
5) I usually advise to tackle endometriotic cysts by LAPAROSCOPY. It is a safe and right way to tackle such pathology. You can opt for it after your next cycle after D&E.
Carefully dealt with, the surgery will be helpful to enhance the fertility outcome.
So please do not worry, first get D&C done at the earliest, then laparoscopically deal with endometriosis .
I hope my answer helps you.
Wish you great health.
Dr Purushottam S Neurgaonkar