What Do Short Bursts Of Pain In The Temple Area Indicate?
I am a 58 old women in reasonably good health.
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Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern.
From what I understand there are no additional symptoms like eye lacrimation, redness, nasal congestion, jaw pain, visual changes etc.
In that case the first hypothesis for short lasting bursts of pain would be that of trigeminal neuralgia, pain in the territory of the trigeminal nerve which supplies the face. More commonly it is in the middle branch in the cheek, but it can be in the upper branch as well.
Other possibilities would include sinusitis or temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction, but usually there are other symptoms and pain is more persistent.
If it is trigeminal neuralgia medication with an anticonvulsant like Carbamazepine is the first choice.
However since symptoms have started only today I would wait a little before considering it and try with over the counter painkillers like Ibuprofen. That is because there are cases of primary (without a cause) headache like the so called primary stabbing (or ice pick) headache which may wane spontaneously, commonly influenced by stress and muscle tension. There is not any indication of any dangerous issue which needs urgent treatment if that worries you.
I remain at your disposal for other questions.