What Do The Following Test Reports Indicate?
the reports mentioned are borderline n can be managed with diet n lifestyle
Detailed Answer:
Hello Sir , I am Dr. Mody and i would be addressing your concern .
I would be happy if you can upload all the reports so i can interpret for you .
Firstly i would like to assure you that globulin at 2.4 and SGPT (as normal is till 35 )are borderline and you need not worry for the same .
if you take alcohol , avoid more than 60 ml on any day '
now coming to your lipid profile . the total cholesterol is higher because the ldl is high , and ldl is the bad cholesterol so our aim is to decrease it to less than 100 .
however i would assure you that no medication is needed for it at present and we will b e able to bring it to normal with diet and lifestyle '
1) diet is the key here . cut on red meat , egg yellow , no fried and preserved foods , avoid all farsan . you may shift to healthy oil like olive .if you take non vegetation food , 2-3 servings of fish per day .
smaller meals , like 5 to 6 , 2-3 hours apart . avoid heavy lunch and dinner . good breakfast ,nutritive lunch and light dinner is the key . 2 bowls of fruits a day , and 25-30 gms nuts . also more green and fresh vegetables .
2) loose weight if you are over weight . avoid food like potatoes and rice , 30-45 mins of aerobic exercise per day
3) supplement omega 3 fatty acid 1-2 gms per day . its available in capsule form , flax seed are another good source of omega acid
all these may sound difficult but if you start we will achieve something
trust me medicine is the easy way out , but life style modification would help in long run and your lipids are not really bad to start any medicine .
Do upload the reports and we can interpret it and we may discuss the furthur course of action
hopefully i could help .
regards Dr. Priyank Mody
My detailed Report is attached, kindly go thru the same and advise accordingly
reports reviewed , My suggestions are as below :
Detailed Answer:
Hello, Dr. XXXXXXX , i did go through your reports .
so as we discussed .
1) For your lipid profile there would be two approach
Preffered : holistic diet , exercise , omega 3 supplement sos
Second : We start with a low dose statin , rosuvastatin 5mg at night , till the time you start with weight reduction , diet control and after 3 month we can taper the drug off .
however as you havent mentioned i assume that you are you are non diabetic , non hypertensive, No IHD . so considering there are no risk factors we may wait till lifestyle changes normalise .
2) just below the report its wriiten Bp 160/90 . hoping Sir you are taking the care for the same . low salt and sos medicine
3) sir globulin is just low normal . i wouldnt really peak into that . trust me do in another lab and the chances of it coming in normal rage is far higher, than you having some problem
4)SGPT is also boderline high . now if you are obese , consume alcohol though social , you may get a USG Liver done as i suspect it may due to early fatty liver , which is commonly seen in normal population , however that would intensify our aim to achieve lifestyle modification .
Hoping i could help .
Would be just on the other side , if any clarification is needed .
Regards Dr. Priyank Mody