What Do The Sperm Analysis Reports Indicate?
movility A .- 40%, movility B- 20% movility C - 17% , movility D- 23%, sperm concentration 103,600,000 Total sperm count- 155,400,000/ 1.5 ml, morfology- 15% abnormal
My age 53,
can incomplete liquefaction hurt my fertility
How can i treat incomplete liquification ?
Incomplete fertility is most of the due to infection
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query .
Based on the report of your Semen analysis that you have posted your sperm count and sperm motility are well within range as per WHO standards.
Semen on ejaculation is viscid in consistency hence sperm are not freely XXXXXXX .It gets liquefied by an enzyme Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA) secreted by prostate so that sperm become freely XXXXXXX and move forward towards cervix to enter in to uterine cavity and further in to Fallopian tube to fertilize female egg to result in to pregnancy.Normally this process of liquefaction takes 30-45 minutes .
In most of the cases the cause of delayed or incomplete liquefaction is infection in semen more specifically Prostate ,
Your semen analysis report has not mentioned findings related to microscopic examination presence of pus cells (W,B.C) which reveals presence of infection .
Take antibiotic like Bactrim D.S or Doxicycline twice daily for 4-6 weeks and repeat semen analysis after 6 weeks .
Delayed liquefaction is one of the common causes for infertility .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Get Semen culture done
Detailed Answer:
Thanks fo follow up .
Get Semen culture done to find out organisms causing this infection.That will guide you to take appropriate antibiotic to eradicate infection .
In most of the cases taking antibiotics does help to lower down the liquefaction time
Thanks and Regards
Timely Liquefaction of Semen is the important factors for pregnancy
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .
Sperm can no move in a viscid medium it is liquefaction of the semen that makes them freely XXXXXXX to reach into Fallopian tube where union of sperm and female egg takes place to result into fertilization . Delayed liquefaction of semen causes inability for sperms to move freely in vagina and cervical canal to reach to female eggs .This is perhaps one of the causes for infertility .
Thanks and Regards.