What Do These Following Lab Reports Indicate?
Attached medical reports
Detailed Answer:
I have reviewed all the attached reports.
The most likely diagnosis is called AFTN ie Autonomously Functioning Thyroid Nodule. What this means is that there is a small lump in your thyroid gland in the neck which is over-active and making excessive amounts of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) which led to 'Hyperthyroidism' in 2015.
Typically, AFTNs tend to progress,and long-term treatment with anti-thyroid medication (such as Neo mercazole that you were on) is required for many life-long. For this reason, most patients opt for permanent treatment of this condition with XXXXXXX 131 Radio ablation. This is a type of radiation treatment to selectively and permanently cure the over-activity of the AFTN. This treatment is given as a single dose of a radio-active tablet orally from a Nuclear Medicine center, administered by the Nuclear Medicine Specialist Consultant doctor, in collaboration with your Endocrinologist.
Now in your case, it seems that it automatically got better after a month of Neomercazole, and the other pills that you were prescribed in 2015. This is interesting and unusual, but possible.
So I see that as of January 2017 , your TFT is normal. In my opinion, you just need periodic examination by a thyroid expert ie an Endocrinologist to make sure there is no structural nodule which requires monitoring over time.
Based on thorough evaluation by your Endocrinologist, (s)he will guide you further as to frequency of TFT checks.