What Do These Lab Reports Indicate?

I did lab work for pre marriage test and the doctor said is normal except blood cells . is this has something to do with the heart because i had before chest pain and the cardiology did stress test , ECHO test and both were normal . he said also he want do CT coronary test but i didn't feel the pain as before so i didn't do it. but i still have the dis comfort some time . do you recommend me to do CT coronary test to make sure i don't have heart problem as i am concern about the radiation so i didn't do it . and i also stopped taking baby aspirin for one month by myself because it it can cause side effect as bleeding . i have also issue with blood pressure and i still take amaldopine 5mg. please also look to the lab report below and let me know if the result is ok. or is there any thing may concern ?
122101 - Hemoglobin Eval/ Frac. w/o Solubility
5/12/2017 5:00 PM
Lab Name
LabCorp (Reference Lab)
Testing performed at: [DA] LabCorp XXXXXXX 7777 Forest XXXXXXX Suite C350
Test Name Result Flags Reference Range
Hgb F 0.0 0.0-2.0 %
Hgb A 98.4* H 94.0-98.0 %
Hgb S 0.0 0.0 %
Hgb C 0.0 0.0 %
Hgb A2 1.6 0.7-3.1 %
Hgb Variant See comment.
Interpretation Note:
Normal adult hemoglobin present.
140659 - Hep C Ab (HCV)
5/11/2017 10:24 AM
Lab Name
LabCorp (Reference Lab)
Test Name Result Flags Reference Range
Hep C Virus Ab <0.1 0.0-0.9 s/co ratio
Negative: < 0.8
Indeterminate: 0.8 - 0.9
Positive: > 0.9
The CDC recommends that a positive HCV antibody result
be followed up with a HCV Nucleic Acid Amplification
test (550713).
CBC - CBC/Auto Diff
5/9/2017 5:09 PM
Test Name Result Flags Reference Range
WBC 3.3* L 4.5-11.0 10^3/?L
RBC 6.59* H 4.60-6.20 10^6/?L
Hgb 14.8 13.5-18.0 g/dl
Hct 45.5 40.0-54.0 %
MCV 69.0* L 80.0-96.0 fL
MCH 22.5* L 27.0-33.0 pg
MCHC 32.5 32.0-36.0 g/dl
Platelet 249 150-400 10^3/?L
RDW 17.6* H 11.5-14.5 %
MPV 11.0* H 7.1-10.4 fL
Neut% 43.2* L 50.0-78.0 %
Lymph% 44.2* H 15.0-41.0 %
Mono% 9.2* H 0.0-8.0 %
Eos% 2.8 0.0-4.0 %
Baso% 0.6 0.0-2.0 %
Neut ABS 1.41* L 1.80-7.80 10^3UL
Lymph ABS 1.44 1.00-4.80 10^3/?L
Mono ABS 0.30 0.00-0.80 10^3/?L
Eos ABS 0.09 0.00-0.45 10^3UL
Baso ABS 0.02 0.00-0.20 10^3UL
006510 - Hep B Surface Ag
5/11/2017 10:24 AM
Lab Name
LabCorp (Reference Lab)
Test Name Result Flags Reference Range
HBsAg Screen Negative Negative
HIV-B - HIV, Blood
5/9/2017 5:29 PM
Test Name Result Flags Reference Range
HIV, Blood Negative Negative
Negative for HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies and HIV-1 p24 antigen. A negative result does not preclude the possibility of exposure to HIV or infection with HIV.
Performing Laboratory Information
LabCorp (Reference Lab)
Blood test changes are minor- do not seem enough to justify the chest pain.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking at Healthcaremagic
I carefully read your question and understand your concern.
As for the blood results: to summarize the findings i would say you have small red blood cells (small in size compared to the norm) but in normal number and normal hemoglobine (the ingredient that transports oxygen and that also stains the red blood cells). This might be due 3 main causes: anemia (first stages when the stores start to deplete), minor thalasemia (which is ruled out with the electrophoresis you had- so it is not your case) or chronic lead poison. Other than that few other more rare causes might be thought after you have had tests to rule anemia and lead poisoning (ferritine in blood, TIBC, for the anemia and lead levels in blood for lead poison).
You also have low white blood cells in your blood and the lymphocytes are dominating (these fight mostly viral infections). This is very common when you are going through a viral infection. I would recommend you to not do any other tests at the moment but give enough time for a presumable viral infection to go away and than repeat the test. The red blood cells might be effected by viral infection also so I would strongly recommend you to repeat the CBC in 2-3 weeks before you do any other tests.
As for the chest pain it is very unlikely that these minor changes in blood test results are causing it. it is definitely a different cause of the chest pain.
it is good you have had normal ECG and hear ultrasound.
Amlodipine is first choice for hypertension only for people with dark skin color. If you are not dark skin color than amlodipine is not the best treatment for hypertension- you might need to talk to your doctor and see the chance of having ACE inhibitors or diuretics which have better heart protection and are first choice in hypertension in patients with light skin color.
The need for examination of the coronary arteries is a very complicated decision and many things should be considered. You are wright to consider the side effects of radiation and actually there are others very important also as this is an invasive procedure and you will need to tightly decide this with your cardiologist. It would be probably unsafe to decide it otherwise.
So to summarize I would say:
1. the changes in the blood test results are minor and do not seem to be the cause of the chest pain you have
2. these changes are also not that bad, so you don't need to run into other blood tests at the moment, but we can give 2-3 weeks and repeat the CBC to check again the red blood cells and white blood cells and the results come back normal we do not need to worry for the blood tests
3. If the CBC comes back abnormal again than you will need to probably have the specific tests for iron stores (ferritine in blood and TIBC) and lead levels checked in blood. ERS might be a good test to check also.
4. as for the heart and chest pain- confirm with your doctor that amlodipine is the best anti-hypertensive in your case and tightly follow the advises of the cardiologist on the need for the evaluation of the coronary arteries. You will need to evaluate and weigh with him the risk and benefits of having this examination done in your case. This is the safer way to go with it.
I hope this is helpful and answers to your questions but please feel free to write back in case anymore clarification in needed on this.
Kind regards,
Antoneta Zotaj, MD

But i have to do the lab test today again because the lab that i did in doesn't accept it so i need to do it in quest lab and these tests was done in first place for pre marriage test . the doctor mention in the paper to do test for HIV, Blood. Hep Be Ag , Hep C Ab(HCV), Hemoglobin / Frac. w/o solubility
He mentioned also Encounter for HIV (z11.4)
Need for hepaitis B screening test ( z11.59)
screaning for other hemoglobinopathies (z13.0)
the cardiology told me 1 month ago if i do Ct coronary angiogram test and if it's normal my heart is fine. And also he came to the room fast and go fast like less than 5 minute that's why i am here to help you decide if i go to do it or no. Yes i have been in ER before 4 times for this issue and they did EKG , blood test and every time say is normal but i am not sure why i have this discomfort And i am not sure and the doctor here in this site some say yes i have to do it and one say no. that's why i am confused as i am not sure as i am also concern of the radiation that cause cancer but i also want make sure i don't have heart issue . And i feel this discomfort when i do sport like running not sure if it's safe to do any sport and i feel some time like nausea or like sick. Do you recommend me to do Ct coronary angiogram as i don't meet with cardiology anymore only with general doctor . the cardiology also didn't mention that i am fine that's why i am concern
Seems like the tests are already done. Stress test is better first step
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
Thank you for the reply.
The tests here in the message are copied and pasted and it seems these tests are already done and have normal results (HIV, hepatitis B and C and the Hemoglobine fraction). To be sure can you please upload as attached reports the blood tests that are in the message above?
If you have not had HIV test, HepB, HepC and hemoglobin fraction tests done than sure you will need to have these tests done.
Have you ever had a chest xray? I don't see it mentioned. It is a simple test for very important in evaluation of the chest pain.
If you have normal ECG but you have this chest pain in exercise than a good thing to do is have what we call stress test. This is a test that you do while exercising (running on a XXXXXXX carpet or exercise on a bicycle) and meanwhile your doctor monitors your heart with the ECG machine and sees if any changes in ECG with the exercise.
This is a safe and easy test to do and might give a lot of information.
Sometimes doing the angiogram of the coronary arteries is indicated if the stress test is abnormal or gives uncertain results.
I hope this is helpful and answers to your question but please feel free to write back if anymore clarification is needed on this.
Kind regards
Antoneta Zotaj, MD

thank you, yes i did stress test, ECKO, x ray , blood test in ER . And CT chest , EKG all back normal .i just did blood test today and the result will take one half to two week . i will uploaded the blood test that i took one week ago so you can see the result more clearly
Test results seem normal (but CBC as explained above)
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
Thank you for sending the reports.
Now I am even more clear. You seem to have had all those tests done and you have resulted negative for HIV, Hep B, Hep C and have within normal limits hemoblogine fraction. Having them done a second time will not do any harm, it will confirm the results of the first ones.
As for the angiograme of the coronary artery, the routine one done through the catheterization from a peripheral artery carries many risks due to being invasive but in your case if it is done with the CT scan method this is not invasive and has only the concern of the radiation as you mentioned but on the other hand compared to the risk of having a problem with the coronary arteries it does not compare with it. So i would say that if you have good medical insurance that is willing to cover the expenses of that examination and if the doctor highly suspects problems with your coronary arteries, than the benefit of having the CT coronary angiograme outweighs the risks it has due to radiation and it would be more beneficial to have it done.
I hope this addresses your concerns but please feel free to let me know if anymore clarification is needed on this.
Kind regards
Antoneta Zotaj, MD

when i told the cardiology that i have chest discomfort he want do more test and he said if i do this test CT coronary exam and if it's normal my heart is fine. but i am concern about the radiation as i did many test in 2 month like i mentioned before and this will increase my chance for having cancer. i can do any sport and i don't feel pain but i have the discomfort at rest. the insurance will cover the cost i think and they took few weeks to get prove from the insurance and when the hospital called me to make the appointment i told them that i don't have the discomfort they said if i have the pain when i do something i need to call them again to make an appointment . some time i feel the discomfort and some time no that's why is confusing me and i am not sure if it's from the blood pressure medicine or no . i just want make sure that my heart is fine so i don't be worry anymore. what do you think do i need to do it and is the radiation can cause cancer. And what do you think of the lab test that i sent you. is there any concern about it ?
labs do not seem concerning, more explanation on heart examinations
Detailed Answer:
The lab tests you sent i find nothing worrisome. There are a couple of minor changes that might need to be followed in time but not major and do not seem to be effecting your health. The fact that you have repeated CBC is good so to monitor how it is doing with time. It would be perfect if there was at least a 2 week time period between tests for more sure results.
For the heart- if you light skin color and the doctor has chosen a calcium blocker (amlodipine) to treat your hypertension and the chest pain probably it is due to what we call spastic coronary artery (also called Prizmental angina) which mostly happen in quietness and not in exercise. Triggers of the spasms might be tobacco, exposure to cold, emotional stress, illegal drugs like amphetamines and cocaine, etc. These are spasms of the coronary arteries that cause some ischemia and bother the patient at night time or at rest and all the tests in exercise are normal. In this case a calcium blocker is the preferred treatment as it reduces the spasms.
Monitoring your ECG for a certain time in hospital sometimes is an easy not invasive way to track for changes in time. Trans-esophageal ultrasound is also recommended to rule out other causes of the chest discomfort. Also myocardial perfusion imaging is also recommended to have done in this case. If not sufficient information with these than coronary angiograme is indicated.
Also checking your sugar level, lipids and kidney function is needed- I did not see these tests in your labs and they are very important while we do a cardiovascular evaluation.
So talk with your doctor if he is considering Prinzmental angina as the cause of the chest discomfort at rest and in this case you will need to ask for the above mentioned tests and the angiograme is left for the last if the other ones do not give enough clues.
There are also other causes of chest discomfort at rest. If you have some burping and acid feeling in your throat than acid reflux can be considered. I would try a period of 2 weeks with Omeprazole 20 mg every morning 30 minutes before breakfast and test if this is the cause if it. It is easy tolerated by the patients and would save you a lot of time and discomfort in case acid reflux is a cause of the discomfort.
I hope this is helpful and answers to your questions but please feel free to write in case more clarification is needed on this.
Kind regards
Antoneta Zotaj, MD

the cardiology gave me Omeprazole 20 but i stopped it by myself because doesn't help for the chest pain. But i think if i do CT coronary angiogram and the result will be normal i won't be worry any more even if there is chest discomfort because when i go to the general doctor and i tell them i have chest discomfort he said there is no much i can do and he send me to the cardiology . He said that the cardiology knows better than him and the cardiology he said he want do this last test. if i do this test is there any risk that i can get cancer from the radiation because i already exposed to the radiation when i did x ray, stress, ECHO test , two time CT chest all in 2 month
Most test you had have no dangerous radiation
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
Most of the tests you have done do not have x-ray radiation which is the dangerous one and increases risk for cancer. ECG, ECHO, stress test do not have dangerous radiation. The only tests that you have done and have radiation is the x-ray and the CT of the chest but with the recent machines doing these tests the amount of radiation is much less than before and they are safer than they used to.
I would say that even thought the CT causes some x-ray radiation, for peace of mind related to the heart issues I would do that test. The risk of cancer with one more examines increases very little and it is worthy if considering the risk of possible heart problems not being diagnosed and treated propriately.
I hope you will be more clear but still you are welcome to ask if anymore questions related to this.
Kind regards
Antoneta Zotaj, MD

But it show here in the link that the stress test has 40 MsV . please check the link
I calculated the radiation that i already did and with CT coronary test will be 70 mSV
Is 70 mSv consider dangerous ? . I mean if the general doctor can do another thing than this test i won't do Ct coronary test . I also get treat it in college hospital but the cardiology out side the hospital . Not sure if college hospital is good as public hospital.
Up to 2 CT in a lifetime are OK.
Detailed Answer:
The stress test that has radiation is called radionuclide stress test, this is not the one that is mentioned that you have had. The simple stress test that is routinely done is similar to ECG. You are connected to an ECG machine while you exercise to try to track ECG changes while exercising. So if you had the routine usual stress test there is 0 radiation there and nothing to worry.
If you had the radionuclide stress test (which is very unlikely this is the one you had) that there is radiation there involved.
It says there that 1-2 CT in a lifetime are safe. This i have found supported in other official literature so having a second one done would not be very high risk for cancer. I would say that if your cardiologist can be sure that your heart is OK only by having the CT coronarograme you might need to have it done. There are people that need to have a CT done several times in their lives and yes they have a slightly higher risk for cancer due to exposure but not many of them develop cancer (this is a language of probabilities and not that for sure this will happen) It is worthy taking that slightly increased risk when you consider serious problems with the heart that need to be ruled out or diagnosed.
The other tests are angiograme of the coronary arteries through a peripheral catheter but this is invasive and poses many risks due to that and the myocardial perfusion imaging which seems to have at least double the radiation of the CT coronarograme.
I hope this is helpful to you but if anymore clarification is needed, please feel free to write back.
Kind regards
Antoneta Zotaj, MD

But i did two more than CT chest because the first one is wrong so they did it again and for stress test they did two part one is i run on treadmill and the other one is while they put me on machine and scan the chest. i think the cardiology is XXXXXXX because he said if i did this one CT coronary test and is normal my heart is fine. he also didn't say if my heart is fine or no that's why i am concern as the pain goes and back.
It is a priority to rule out heart issues due to the pain being still there
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry you have needed to have a couple of CT scans due to the first one being wrong. I am not sure what is the test you have had as a stress test. The routine stress test has no radiation at all. It is true you will be exposed to higher radiation risk due to having several CT scans but it is again worthy if this is something your doctor thinks will rule out heart problems. Heart problems have bad prognosis and outcome if not diagnosed on time and treated appropriately so that is why you need to weigh the risk and benefits of having the CT and not having it and very likely in your case it is worthy having the CT of the coronary arteries especially if the discomfort (pain) is still there.
I hope this is helpful and gives more clarification to your questions.
Please feel free to write if anymore questions related to this.
Kind regards,
Antoneta Zotaj, MD

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