What Does A Resting Heartbeat Of 94 Indicate?
Four glasses of gin liqure a day.
Some things are to be taken care of
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health Care Magic.
Thanks for writing.
I am Dr.Muhammad Ahmad. I have read your question completely, i understand your concern and will try to help you in best way possible.
Being A student of Cardiology as my level 3 sepecialization field I can assure you that resting pulse of less than a 100 is not a matter of concern, unless one is at high risk of or already has a heart disease.
There are a few things in your history which are probably saving you from a disaster which are 1) Healthy weight.
2) Physical activity.
Other wise a smoker with this high cholesterole indeed is at a high risk of heart issues.
It's great that you are physically this much active and you do not feel any chest pain or shortness of breath during you strenuous routine here are a few things you need to do.
1) Don't be too much anxious about the pulse it is just fine though on the upper border of the range as far as pulse rate is concernes.
2) Try to keave smoking ..if cant leave it altogether , leave it gradually.
3) Dont consume substances which excitet you like coffee caffeine energy drinks fizzy drinks with caffeien etc. They increase heart beat.
4) Add 10-15 seconds of a running sprint in your work out.
5) Meet your doctor and see if he recommends any med to reduce heart rate.
6) It is strongly recommended to do something to get rid of cholesterol you will probably need to use cholesterol lowering drug like statin but you will also need diet modification like eating more fruits vegetables and low fats..
In short shift to Mediterranean diet.
You dont have to worry much about anything except your cholesterol you need to lower it down to 180 and quit or atleast reduce smoking.
Dr.Muhammad Ahmad.
M.B.B.S(Licensed Family Physician)
Resident M.D.9