Question: Dear doctor,
I'm a healthy person who sports 4-5 times a week and eat very healthy. Lots of fish and chicken and less meat.
4 years ago I have had a blood test and came out that I had a high gamma gt (80 and normal was 50 as stated) and this was due to my diet and alcohol consumption as well as light smoking. I was referred to an ultrasound and it came out that I had a light / mild
fatty liver.
Also my
cholesterol was high.
so I decided to change my life style, so I started work outs and running for 4-5 times a week. I lost 10 kg and became 75 kg from 85 (I am 171 cm tall) and all values came normal since then. My cholesterol, lever .. etc..
I check blood every year and for this year something weird came out ( at least I think weird)
My ferritin (I dont know if this was ever checked by a test) is 324 while it's stating 17-230 for men.. My hb is 8.4 while it had to be minimum of 8.5 (but maybe this is because I sport too much).
I am suffering now 3 weeks of a mild cough and lots of stress. the stress and cough are becoming better now.
Also I have eczema and nail
fungal infection on foot. ( just for information to help you giving your opinion).
so if this high Ferritin was from this condition, would go up quickly and then drop down slowly?
I will attach my report as all other test came out normal.
Crp, lever values, thyroid, Glucose ...etc.. all came normal.
Do I have to worry much about this value of ferritin? I have my fears and scares for this now.
Note that there is no known family history (father, mother) history of
hemochromatosis in the family.
If you have any question please let me know.
Some additional information:
back in 2010 was my ferritin 257 and my HB was 9.2
My HB was last year 8.7 but Ferritin was never checked before now.
Can this be due to the infection as there was a cough (acute protein reaction) while my CRP is normal?
How does ferritin act in case of a normal infection and does it low down quickly ? How does the CRP act? goes high quickly and reduces quickly?
One more information: During the 3 weeks before test, I had so much stress and anxiety that I didnt eat well. I still am very worried about my health while I feel in top condition. Not tired.. my condition is very good or excellent
I also suffered from fungal infection in left foot which which was treated after my nails were infected. So I have now 4 infected nails with fungus. Does this effect ferritin?
I am really very worry and a kind of hypochondriac. I am suffering lots of stress of this now. Really even sleepless. I dont know if my worries and concerns are on place.
After another consult with a Gastroenterologist here she told me that
fungal nail infection Is a kind of chronic infection where ferritin can react on.
I have consulted several gps and they reassured me that I don't have to worry and just redo the test in 3 months.
They also told me that it might even be die to stress and the body reacts on stress as inflammation like.. Which can decrease the hb a little as well.
They also were not concerned about my hb at all. As it also might be due to sport I do, where the blood will continue more plasma and become lighter, so it might be a false anemia..
You didn't inform me how quick the ferritin can go up.. And how quick it drops down if it was due to acute infection ? Does it react else than crp? How does crp react? Sure if you know and are sure about the info. If not then it's not important but just let me know.
Chronic disease is in my case a little strange cause I have tested for hepatitis and hiv 3 years ago and haven't have any risks after the test..
Also I have no chronic colon or
stomach disease as there were scopies done 2-3 years ago. My liver was also screened by
ultra sound 3 years ago and came out with a light fatty liver. Probably from alcohol.
My thyroid and kidney values are perfect here.
I have no symptoms at all. I feel good and have a very good condition.
I hope I have been clear in the information given and if you have any question just let me know.