What Does Light Menstrual Bleeding After D&C Indicate?
The only way to correctly diagnose Asherman's is by hysteroscopy.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare Magic.
I am Dr Ramadevi Wani. I will be answering your concerns today.
Why did you have two D&Cs? Was it for heavy period bleeding?
You need not be worried about Asherman's syndrome. If it is Asherman's It usually starts quite early after D&Cs.
Light periods means what? How many pads you are changing in a day? If you are changing 2-3 pads in a day that is normal.
Stress both physical and mental like excessive exercise, change of place or job, anxiety, too much exitement can all cause hormonal changes in body resulting in light periods. Even sudden change in weight can cause light periods.
Your BMI is normal and good to know that thyroid is normal.
Just see if other factors mentioned above which can cause light periods are present in your case.
The only way to correctly diagnose Asherman's is by hysteroscopy.
I hope this helps.
If you have further queries, I will be happy to answer.
Asherman's is unlikely
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
Since your periods became lighter after one year of D&C, it is unlikely that it is due to Asherman's syndrome. Moreover there is usually cramps with periods in asherman's syndrome.
However if it is bothering you, fix an appointment with your Gynecologist and get a office Hysteroscope done.
I hope this helps.
If you have further queries, I will be happy to answer.