What Does Low Grade Fever And Swollen Lymph Nodes With Negative HIV Antibody Test Indicate?
I finished my vacation i came back to work and i started think about sex everyday i have met a girl internet and went to her place for 1 day there i have engaged in unrotected oral and protected vaginal sex; After comeback from that incident after 2 days my head of penis have started sore, and itching genital area for 3 days. After9 days after recent exposure i have slight fever, mild pain in testicles, complete dry tongue i thought something i have got from he lady and rushed to urologist where he did complete STD panel including hiv ab, eveything showed up negative. in first after exposure fever(98.4-99.3 f), chills, white tongue, excessive gas, muscle pains, mild liver pain, muscle twitching, hand and leg feet buruning, i can say almost all typical HIV symptoms has been persisted for 3 months, I rush to ID doctor she has tested for HIV PCR RNA quant (not detected, 5 weeeks), hiv ab negative 8 week, generalized lymphnodes has been started after 3 months after exposure which still(i m in 9 month now) persisting continious low grade fever (97.9-99.2f), thrush(oral hairy l) muscle wasting (buttocks, upper chest, hands, legs), shingles around collar bone. I can say all typical symptoms of HIV are persisting still i m in at 9 months;
In this 9 months of i have been to so many hiv and std tests all came back negative
HIV PCR RNA Quant 5,15,42 weeks not detected (low 20 copies/ml)
HIV ab 2,8,15,28,32,40 weeks negative
all std include hep b,c negative,
ANA, TB blood test negative.
TB skin test positive 10mm, chest x ray normal
CBC with differential normal
CMV IGG psotive, IGM negative
EBV VCA IGG postive, EBNA IGG postive, IGM negative
Can you please help me i have enagaged sex with 3 different partners(2 known hiv negative
(fiance, friend), 1 unknown hiv status) all this happen in 2 months duration and my body low grade fever hurting a lot, muscle lost from all over body, lymph nodes everywhere, on off sore throat
Did i contracted HIv from the above exposure still lab tests showing hiv negative at 9 month duration?
Or did I get tb and showing all these symptoms??
I have checked skin test it came positive 10 mm, and the area has pain for 2 weeks
but Chest x rays were normal
Tb blood tests were also negative
Am I suffering with tb?? or HIV??
Your assistance will be so appreciated.
Suffering a lot with this chronic fever on/off, dry mouth, swollen lymphnodes... Etc....
after having sex my wife also similar symptoms has been started..she has burning feet and hand sorethroat , cough fever Is due to HIV??
The fever is PUO, needs a work up, no HIV
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the very elaborate description of your symptomatology and its timeline.
I am Dr Matin, HIV and AIDS specialist and will be answering your queries.
The doctors concerned has tried to cover up for everything up possible as far as sexual angle is concerned .
Your reports are indicative of your HIV/STD negativity for sure.
But you have low grade fever > with generalized lymphadenopathty for over 2 months , so essentially we are dealing here with a 'Pyrexia of Unknown Origin'(PUO) with lymphadenopathy , which needs to be worked up to arrive at a conclusive diagnosis.
So my suggestion to you is that get yourself admitted to a hospital where an internal medicine/Infectious disease expert is available so that the work up can be started.
I guess -you need to - PCR for TB (called Gene Expert )'as you have TST positive apart from USG abdomen get done for sure .
Yes, indeed , TB is one of the most diseases in our country and it is the first disease to be ruled out in case of PUO in any set up in XXXXXXX This is the reality It is very difficult to conclude from here that it is TB or not , but there are few things which point towards a possible TB disease (fever > 2 months, lymphadenpathy and a + TST test )
But the best possible person to diagnose will be one who examines you personally
and get the tests done accordingly and for this you need to get admitted in some medical facility.
I re-iterate here that your report does not indicate any HIV for sure and the treating physician will have to think beyond a sexual angle.
Hope it helps.
i definitely for sure she got this unknown decease from me and symtoms are also similar when i was 1 month old sex after unknown lady.
We are(family) in deep depression and we both have unknown fever and burning in feet and hands.
Please help?? Is burning hands and feet are clinically symptom of HIV? ( i see this in google)..
I am not from XXXXXXX and i live in western country. just for your information
Please help me..
Many reasons ,need to be confirmed, so get admitted
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up question.
As per your reports HIV remain excluded.
The thing remains is to find the cause of your's/ spouse's fever with lymphadenopathy and this is what I have been re-iterating for.
I guess ,it will serve a great purpose if you get admitted in a medical facility and get investigated to arrive at a correct 'diagnosis' 'so that you /your wife could be adequately treated.
I understand western countries medical facilities are better equipped than ours in XXXXXXX to find out the cause of your problem.
There could be host of reasons for your's/spouse's fever - TB with/without dissemination ,Syphilis, Hepatitis B, ,Scarlet fever , Brucellosis ,Leptospirosis ,Lyme disease , Ebstein Bar viral disease(EBV), CMV(Cytomegalovirus Viral disease) Toxoplasmosis , Sarcoidosis, and histoplasosis and they need to be investigated and confirmed .
But then people would start googling' about these diseases and trying to figure out how these symptoms fit into them . This is what we call' cyberchondria' , and this has swept the whole world .
This is the reason the job has become a tad difficult for us doctors as to what and how much to divulge the required information to our patients.
But due to your request, I am putting here that the above causes may be one of the reasons of your fever, but still maintain that the best person to come with your diagnosis is the physician who sees you /your spouse personally and act accordingly.
Further to add, I am not aware of the name of western country you are staying , but then TB is not uncommon over there too.
Hope it helps.
I tested a lot of HIV(10 month from previous exposure) and negative anitbody, HIV rna not detected.
You mentioned above all deceases are contagious ??
Since i tested HIV negative and you said hiv is no problem casuing the symptoms so she doesn't require an HIV test?
she has cough, fever and burning legs and feet. she cant concentrate here work, what could be cause these symptoms which she got from me..
I had also smiliar symptoms when i was sex with unknown lady which was 10 month ago. and then these 10 months i went to 10 antibody HIV tests and 4 RNA tests to make sure i wont transfer my decease to my wife..but now after we have sex a month ago and 20 days after she has smiliar symtoms started..these so depressing... i dont know what to believe either lab resuts or something?
No need for RNA test for your wife
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your follow up.
Your wife does not need a HIV RNA test ,as this won't be useful in your scenario ( it is done at very early part of exposure , where the adequate quantities of antibodies are not formed)
You are correct there if one spouse does not carry HIV virus, , other partner in a the monogamous relationship won't need a HIV test.
Not all mentioned diseases , are spread through direct contact but one thing is common --all are infectious diseases caused bacteria/virus/protozoa/fungus except sarcoidosis which does have an immunity reason .
Some of them can surely be sexually transmitted too (Syphilis/EBV/ Hepatitis B).
Since all angles including the sexual one need to considered ,so we can't really rule out any, till they are confirmed and hence is my request for a work up to the diagnosis for both of you
I conclude here with a request -without wasting any time get you admitted in some better health facility to arrive at the correct ' diagnosis and treatment
Hope this helps.
I am not neglecting my life, i went to so many doctors since i have symptoms but they are writing some tests and concluding without any diagnosis. I went 6 different doctors, all were repeated same tests and concluding that you dont haveany and' if you have any, lab tests will showup, inculding HIV'. I cant argue with doctors al all.
I cried infornt of a dr then they say you can come back after 2 months we can repeat tests. , I can understand doctors were relay on labs, they don't concluded without lab results.
My case, is a really so upset and i want to be peaceful if i would be symptom free.
I feel like i want to live more life and do 'no mistakes'.
As you a HIV specialist i believe you, what you saying, but symptoms are all are related to HIV when i googling..symptoms are not going away from 11 months.. there, my mind was so upset and going away from routine work..i am screwing my life more. from past 10 months i was suffered a lot and lot with symptoms. now my wife has been joined with me with same symptoms then my life is more challenging now..
god may help me....
No worries, you will be alright
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your kind words.
Its my job and am doing it.
We want our patients to be satisfied and lead a healthy life.
You too will be alright, just it is a case of missing the diagnosis.
You visited 6 doctors, but am not sure, you ever visited a hospital set up, because the complex issues you are in, are just beyond the capability of a single doctor.
You need to be seen by a team of Internal Medicine specialists with a back up of a quality radiologist (for USG /CT /X-ray) and lab facility, which obviously will be available in a good hospital for confirmation of the diagnosis.
I empathize fully with your situation, but then medical science is based on evidences and we need to follow certain protocols too.
Please, don't pity yourself, at-least you are HIV negative, this should be a matter of great satisfaction and consolation
Please get you and your wife get admitted in a hospital and believe me, both of you will
be cured.
I will wait for your mail about yourself coming out of such crisis.
Till then its sayonara !
At present i would continioue that i get diagnose with some hopes...
meanwhile if you wouldn't mind can i contact you if i want to reach your hospital??
I willing to come to you since i getting some hopes instead of having rounds of repeated exams here and wasting time... I feel weird i loosing my tissue in bodies and losing fat in body which is generalized.
Do you think spinal tap will help diagnose instead of routine blood tests in culture of figure out the virus/bacteria/fungus causing the symptoms??
Yes i wouldlike to admitted to hosiptol but due to hectic work schedule i may loose my job if i admitted to hospitol and go for a long leave.
I am thinking to scarifies and loose my job and get admitted to hosiptol now...please attach your office address...
No need to travel so long !
Detailed Answer:
Thanks again for your kind words.
I guess, you said you are at present in some western country .
It will not be wise thing to travel to me. I suggest you if you are in XXXXXXX , visit to CMC Vellore
Tamilnadu or School of Tropical Medicine XXXXXXX West Bengal , they are the best places in your scenario
Unfortunately I practice in a small clinic set up due to my family compulsions (I have a 18 year old son, who is preparing for his medical entrance exam and once he gets an admission in medical college, then I might think of shifting to a a better place) and XXXXXXX in state of XXXXXXX is not a big city where there is not even a very well equipped hospital and had to depend solely to School of Tropical Medicine XXXXXXX ,for my patients who need hospitalization
Have faith upon doctors , because no body wants his reputation to br ruined , which is applicable us doctors too.
Hope it helps
1. what is the reason behind the burning of sole feet and hand??
Is the burning of feet/hand is common symptom in sexually transimtted infections??
2. is continuous on/off low grade fever (98.3-99.2) symptom is due to hiv??
Burning feet like a fire and it disturbing sleep a lot ..which again when i google(may clinic and webmd) the symtom it is pointng out HIV.. and i am so scary..
Go and get admitted for a work up.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your response. As discussed earlier and more than once you have been proved HIV negative and none of those symptoms have relations to HIV.
The burning symptoms may be related to other infection or due to anxiety per se or due to other non infective causes which is beyond the scope of this discussion. Unfortunately I will not be able to provide any more valuable information further. You have no symptoms related to HIV. Be rest assured about this fact. Please consider admission to the hospital and evaluation to find cause of fever.
I wish to close this discussion here.