What Does " Minor Anterolisthesis Of L5 Over S" Mean?
Herniated disc causing nerve root compression
Detailed Answer:
I read that report carefully and I understand that it might seem a little confusing with all those letters and numbers.
L5 is the last lumbar region vertebrae standing over the S1 first segment of sacral bone. Between the two of them, as between all vertebrae, there are discs which serve to dampen the trauma to the bony structures. There are also nerves leaving the spine at each level between the vertebrae.
In your case the disc has migrated from its intended position centrally and to the right and it is compressing the right nerve root, the S1, at this level which could cause pain and numbness in the territory covered by that nerve. A predisposing reason for that might be the defect in the joints with anterior displacement of the L5 vertebrae.
Of course this must be correlated with your symptoms. There could be other symptoms like urinary voiding issues related to the central part protrusion with compression on other spinal sac nerves as well.
Anyway first conservative treatment is tried which you seem to have taken. But if the symptoms persist despite having tried physiotherapy, pain medications and cortisone injections, I'm afraid surgery might be needed to excise the protruded disc fragment and alleviate the pressure on the nerve root.
I remain at your disposal for further questions.