What Does My CT Scan Test Result Indicate?
The Urologist also gave me a cystoscope, which was fine and she said everything was ok and the blood was
gone. The CT scan showed everything ok, except for a small renal cyst, however, it showed a portosystemic
shunt from portal vein to left renal vein with no evidence of portal hypertension. My blood work was fine,
no cirrhosis, bleeding, liver normal, no symptoms at all. My internest said it might be congenital. I'm going to
my gastroenterologist on the 18th. I'm so confused and nervous.
There is nothing to worry seems congenital.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing.
I am Dr.Muhammad Ahmad. I have read your question completely, i understand your concern and will try to help you in best way possible.
There are naturally occuring anastomoses in the body between portal and systemic veins but there is usually no postal systemic connection between renal and portal vein. And this can not be usually formed with liver or any other issues as this come by birth.
You got your liver tested and worked up and there was no evidence of liver problem so i dont think its your liver , liver can only cause postal systemic anastomosis veins ti swell up when liver is shrunken , it can not cause NEW connection. And you have a new atypical connection , it means it was just an incidental finding and you had it since your birth .
You are 68 as i can see in your profile and you have lived normally this long with this connection so i believe you don't have to worry about anything you liver is fine and this anastomosis is cingenital with which you have lived 68 years without any issues so there shouldnt be any worry.
Plus yous blood and other symptoms are not caused by this.
I hope this answered your question, a
if you have more please feel free to ask.
Dr.Muhammad Ahmad.
M.B.B.S(Licensed Family Physician)
liver or is the blood still getting through? Is liver
able to filter out toxins?
Toxins are filtered nothing can bypass liver for ever.
Detailed Answer:
Hello thanks for writing.
No the blood doesn't bypass the liver as such it once bypasses the liver then circulates in the body eventually goes to heart which sends it to somewhere else and then it goes to liver...
In simple words all the blood has to circulate through the liver no proportion of blood can excape from liver it this portion of blood went to kidney in this beat and byspassed liver ..in next beat this might go to brain and will pass from liver .. there is no portion of blood which never gets filtered by liver that is why you never had any propblems in past as well
I will suggest you not to worry at all.