What Does My ECG Test Report Indicate?
Total cholesterol:145 mg\dl
HDL cholesterol: 29 mg\dl
LDL cholesterol: 94 mg\dl
VLDL cholesterol: 22 mg\dl
Tryglycerides: 111 mg\dl
cholesterol/ HDL ratio: 5.0 mg\dl
LDL\HDL ratio: 3.2 mg\dl
It could be due to Anxiety/Panic attacks.
Detailed Answer:
Greetings from Dr.Divakara.P
Thanks for posting your query.
I went through your query and the reports posted by you. As said by other doctors your reports are absolutely fine.
Now coming to your chest pain , it could be due to some other causes like Acid reflux , Lung problem or compression of nerve at the level of your neck. But I feel there is no physical problem in you and this chest pain is mainly due to your Anxiety or Panic attacks.
You have 2 options .
1. Consult a Psychiatrist and get Counselling and treatment started for the Anxiety / Panic attacks and see what happens to your Chest pain.
2. Get tested for other causes of chest pain ( which I shall advise later ) and every tests comes normal then consult Psychiatrist.
Kindly let me know which method you would like to opt.
My Dad expired in XXXXXXX 2009 due to Asthma & lack of breath while coming from office. I was totally devastated with this incident in my life. After few months I was joined in software company and I had my girlfriend who was very close to me. She was trying to cheat me and I found it one day. That day night while coming to hostel I fought with her in the bus and I sudden felt dizzy and heart beat rised. Later that night I felt my left hand was tingling and I was worried. I toke my roommate and went hospital and doctor checked and told nothing wrong with your hand or body. I think your mind is playing with you. I had gastric from past 12 years. This like incident repeated lot of times after first incident and my gastric and chest pain started to show up. After this incident I shifted to room as per my friend’s advice to cook myself and stay alone in the room. One day night at around 5AM, my dad came in my dream and I was shocked and got afraid (as first time someone came into my dream). My heart beat was high and my head started rotating and same chest pain & gastric trouble started. I went to my home town and toke ECG and doctor told everything is fine. My dad expired because he didn’t went to doctor check up’s stating nothing wrong with my body. That thing got fixed in my mind and I didn’t wanted to neglect any small health after his death. I had multiple endoscopies & blood tests to see if anything wrong with gastric. Doctor told due to vitamin D deficiency I am getting this problem. I got medication for this. Later I toke insurance where they conducted ECG, blood & urine tests. And I got my insurance approved. But in the report ECG outcome was abnormal ECG. My taught started taking control on my body. I immediately went back home and got 2D ECHO & TMT. Cardiologist checked and confirmed nothing wrong with my heart & health. Doctor told clearly this is happening just because of anxiety & worries I kept in my mind. He prescribed Anxiet .25MG & ultracet for pains if any. I was fine until Oct ’14. i had been with my uncle when he underwent open heart surgery and after seeing his angiogram reports. i felt really nervous and that day onwards my body started reacting abnormal. I heard all his issues and started feeling same like chest pain, left hand pain, tingling in fingers etc. My left hand & leg are working properly but i feel inconvenient. Out of anxiety I myself underwent ECG and it came as abnormal. I checked with Cardiologist in HCM and he told fine. Even my family doctor also confirms nothing wrong with my heart.Attached same for your reference. But still I had doubt in my mind. In month of Aug ’15, my Wife went to her home town for a vacation and I was alone. I started getting same sensation again. I ran to my friends room and they left me alone at room and went to some work outside. I suddenly felt something was happening to me (later I understood as panic attack) and As if I am going to die. I toke same Anxit tablet after my friends came and lay down for some time felt fine. I toke lipid profile and details are given below. I toke ECG & 2D Echo as per my friends mom’s advice (she is a doctor). Nothing came wrong my ECG or 2D Echo. From that day I started fearing scared to stay alone & dizzy when I was left alone in house or office. I was afraid to go out as my head used to rotate when I step out my house. I stayed at home and didn’t went to office or even to super market or market. My Wife toke me to ayurvedic doctor for treatment for gastric & mental health. He also saw my reports and said nothing is wrong with my health. After 3rd checkup he told that I don’t have any problem with heart & I am creating problem for myself. He told I am cardiac neurosis and I need to get it out of my mind ASAP. I am strictly following diet and reduced my food intake and reduced 8 kgs in 6 months. My age is 28, weight is 73, height 5.10 inches, BP 120/80 (usually 120/80 or 110/90), fasting blood Sugar is at 67 mg/dl and heart beat is 75 (usually B\W 72-80 BPM). I have this continues chest pain (both right & left side) with continues brufs & gas passing from rear end and fear.
Need to consult Psychiatrist.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the information.
As suspected , there is no problem in your body. Physically you are very healthy, but mentally you are slightly weak. This is because of your dad's death and your uncle's cardiac condition. You feel that you may have or develop some serious disease and may die . So for every small thing for which a normal person may not even care , you get anxious and it is that Anxiety that is troubling you.
You are getting tested multiple times but the result is the same ,, NORMAL. What you need is good Counselling and proper Anti anxiety medication. ( You have been prescribed Anxiet but you may have to take it for a long time ). So do consult a Psychiatrist , he will be definitely helpful . ( There is no wrong in meeting a Psychiatrist , infact ask your wife to accompany you ).
Also learn Yoga , medication or some music instruments , This will divert your attention from your body and helps you to relax.
Hope this information was useful to you.
Any clarification feel free to ask.
Just before 3 months of marriage suddenly I had throat infection. I taught i had cancer and ran around doctors for 6 weeks. after few days it went off by its own.
Just before 3 weeks before marriage i got testicle pain and i got worried and taught cancer. Went to doctor multiple times and got CT scan done and nothing was there.
I visited psychiatrist and he gave few medicines. Doctor told counselling is not required and suggested spenzo 0.5 and Zaptra LS 12.5. I gave relief for few days and again same story.
I am frustrated with my situation and unable to enjoy life. Please help me out of the situation.
See a different Psychiatrist.
Detailed Answer:
Don't worry , there is nothing wrong in you apart from the anxiety . I think you have not got a good Psychiatrist .
Are you still taking the medicine or you have stopped it ?
More than the medicine it is the counselling that helps. Consult a different Psychiatrist and take Counselling.
As advised earlier learn Yoga , meditation or some music instruments , This will divert your attention from your body and helps you to relax.