What Does My MRI Scan Report Indicate?
a lot of possibilities.
Detailed Answer:
I cannot say in your particular case (heh, but maybe in MY particular case since I have plain hearing loss from too much volume, which irritates the nerves around the ear, producing TINNITUS and some disequilibrium... so, plain age-related degeneration of the hearing apparatus... .nerve, bones of the ear, can do this). MENIERE's the age related degeneration of the structures.
Then, everyone always looks in the ear with ear problems. It is HIGHLY unlikely to have so severe of an ear infection that it goes into the bone, hurts hearing loss without any signs of it. My son had that sort of infection. Fever, pain, drainage, popped ear drum, bloody discharge. I only found out after it was over. He was in the jungles of BURMA at the time, so, no on the looking in the ear.
VIRAL infection can cause irritation at any spot, produces SEVERE dysequilibrium. And basically the area has to grow back to have it get better (takes weeks to 2 months).