What Does My Blood Work Results Indicate?
Get complete work up done.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
I can understand your concern .
I would like to inform you that most of the patients of multiple myeloma present with bone pain .The pain usually involve back and ribs.
Apart from this they develop various bacterial infection such as pneumonia etc.
Most of patients have anaemia that is low hemoglobin level.
Patients do have hypercalcemia that is increased calcium level above 10.5 mg/dl and increased protein level that is mainly of globulin content of total protein.
You have hypercalcemia and and your total protein is raised but it is not the diagnostic of multiple myeloma .
You look for above mentioned symptoms of back or rib pain recurrent infections and anaemia .If you have any of these discuss this issue with your physician and get complete work up done for that .If multiple myeloma is a suspicion h then work up to rule out that entity should be done.its not only slight increase in calcium and protein .
In my opinion there is no need to worry. Discuss this with your physician .
Hope this will help you . If you have any other concerns please feel free to message me . Thanks for contacting HCM .
You are welcome dear.
Detailed Answer:
You are welcome dear.
Thanks for contacting HCM .