What Does My Ultrasound Scan Test Report Indicate?

Can u pls guide me on my ultrasound report?what does that indicate?
Brief history
I had a c sec delivery in Nov 14.post op devloped an hypoecoic track from properitoneal space to skin(previus USG report also attached) for which took att for 1 year frm april 15 to april 16..now again some problem has been mentioned for which I need ur opinion
Can u pls guide that whether this is untreated Tb or cellulitis also presents picture like this.??what should be my next course of action. I took akt 4 --3 months,akt 3 for 4 months and akt 2 for five months..at that time weight was 69 kg
Is it possible that this is suture granuloma that is making these tracks..does that need surgical intervention
Current symptoms ..abdominal blaoting,heaviness,feeling of hardness malaise but no fever chills laxity of abdomen and sometimes pain..no problem in urine or periods but yes straining with passing stools
Pls help sir ..ataching my previous USG ,mri report and latest USG and blood reports
Post-C section?adhesive panniculitis with bloating?TB/ / Under Evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Post-C section?adhesive panniculitis with bloating?TB/ / Under Evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query with attached picture to HCM.
I reviewed pictures and reports with facts of your query in context to your health issues.
Dear,I reviewed all reporst of radiology and blood.
Please get IGRA-/update report of Chest X-ray/Histopath reports to confirm abdominal TB as suspected and treated in your case.
My opinion-
Dear,in the given situation-if AKT has not and if pain is not reducing and when fever is not there,diagnosis needs to be reviewed.
Do's Suggested-
Please send doctor's physical examination findings-as of now/ at time of C-section operative findings.
Whether you lost /or gained weight over last 1.5 yrs of AKT treatment?
Give more details of complaints /appetite/feeling of morning malaise?
Please get IGRA-/update report of Chest X-ray/Histopath reports to confirm abdominal TB as suspected and treated in your case.
Hope this reply would help you to resolve your anxiety related to recurring umbilical hernia,with help from attending Surgeon.
If you update more information/ details upon these suggestions,I would give further suggestions on medicines to correct your health issues.
If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following HCM link-http://doctor.healthcaremagic.com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229
Dear, if you don't have any further query in this regard,Do close this query with YOUR pleasing and excellent feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at HCM services.
If you want to update more details and ask more update queries ,
You are most Welcome herewith !!
Good Day!!
Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist

Wen started art I was 69 kg..then during att it went to 76..and now 72.
I feel tired all the time with chills sometimes and heaviness and hardenss below my navel particularly on left side..sometimes vommiting also
I went to a gyane yesterday and was given some medicines .her findings are attached pls guide on that..she is an endoscopic surgeon ..wants to give these med for 15 days nd see if this works for adhesions
No operative findings were found during my cesaraen as the doctor didn't operate properly first m then she doesn't remember nything
My chest x ray was clear before and now also..igra was o.81 in Feb 15,after which art was started.No histopatho report is available since no excision biopsy was done...based on USG and blood reports att was started
My only concern is that if this is pannniculitus either because of Tb ot not,this is creating fibrosis(attaching a pi. Of mri as well as dropbox link of my latest mri,if it cam help u for my exact diagnosis)
This will create problem especially in the subcutaneos area..will it further damage nerves and veins also
Y I m devlooing this necrosis and tracks?there has to be some reasons for this
Is this umblical hernia

Post-C section?adhesive panniculitis with bloating?TB/ / Under Evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Post-C section?adhesive panniculitis with bloating?TB/ / Under Evaluation
Mostly from post-C-section wound chronic inflammation/ and from adhesive obstruction of bowels
No TB seems unless its evidence is proved and reassessed exactly in your case
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your detailed query updates with attached picture to Me.
I reviewed pictures and reports with facts of your detailed updated query in context to your health issues.
Dear,after indepth and meticulous/ detailed study and review of all your USG/MRI and blood reports,I feel that there is gross misjudgement in treating and managing your basic 2 ailments of-
a-Related to C-Section skin incision and hard painful area with it?
b-Bloating/nausea/vomiting sometimes
Dear,In this scenario-there are many things to be detailed and studied in your case,preferably with Second opinion fo physical and clinical and pathological re-assessment at My clinic at XXXXXXX XXXXXXX
My opinion-
Dear,in the given situation-if AKT has not helped You in last 2 yrs of treatment,there is no point in continuing it, but to be decided after thorough revamp of your condition of disease process,which appears to be grossly misjudged in your case.
To correct it, meticulous study and follow ups would be needed and are suggested to you as follows-
Do's Suggested-
Be on Bland liquid diet with high proteins/ low fat/low carbo diet,
Avoid vegetable in solid form/and gaseous food,
Add Red/black tea-2/3 times ,
a-Add -Tab Declofenac with PPI-like -omeprazol/ or pantoprazole
b-Stop Necoxia/flunil
c-Continue Flunil/Alevo/Hirudoid.
-Replies to Your various specific -5 queries asked till now-
Q-1-Can u pls guide me on my ultrasound report?what does that indicate?
Ans-1-As regards to USG reports,hypoechoic areas, suggest some inflammatory,fibrotic band in fat beneath incised skin area.
Properitoneal fibrotic bands is mostly due to post operative fibrotic process in ther old post-operative wound area,mostly from subclinical infection.This needs to be assessed as told above at near by Second opinion or if you so desire at My clinic in XXXXXXX India-asap soon.
Q-2-a-Can u pls guide that whether this is untreated Tb or cellulitis also presents picture like this.?
Ans-2-a-Dear,When IGRA is negative and there are no histopath and clinical evidences- other causes need to be ruled out.Cellulitis around fibrotic area could present like this on US scan.
Q-2-b-?what should be my next course of action?
Ans-2-b-Dear,Please concentrate in correcting effects of adhesive obstruction in bowels,which is causing chills with bloating,nausea and sometimes vomiting in your case.
Keeping low on solid food / adding more liquid diet in such case, would reduce bowel Constipation and straining during stools, faced by you.
The painful right and left lower abdomen needs painkiller /multivitamins to resolve health issues
Q-3-Is it possible that this is suture granuloma that is making these tracks..does that need surgical intervention-?Pls help
Ans-3-Dear, it could be suture granuloma,which could cause inflamed fibrotic band /tract as reported in US scan.Surgical decision or not needs to be reviewed after physical examination.
Q-4- only concern is that if this is pannniculitis either because of Tb ot not?,this is creating fibrosis?
Ans-4-This does not seem to be TB panniculitis either in abdomen or in the skin wound,as explained above.So you should not worry but should treat it as suggested
.Q-5-This will create problem especially in the subcutaneous area..will it further damage nerves and veins also?
Ans-5-Dear,there is possibility of spread and damage, but to what extent and how much,is the cause of worry,for which you need to work patiently
Q-6-Y I m developing this necrosis and tracks?there has to be some reasons for this?
Ans-6-Dear,Yes.The reason is explained as above.Other causes needs further investigation.
Q-7-Is this umbilical hernia
Ans-7-Dear, there is no possibility of umbilical hernia in your case.
Next appointment-
-Soon in 1 weeks time by special direct query to Me at the HCM link given below
to re-assess and to plan right treatment in your case.
-Take second opinion locally / or come up at My clinic in XXXXXXX XXXXXXX
If you desire to come up take appointment,through My contact details in My profile on HCM web link given below.
Hope this reply would help you to resolve current problems and give a way out in current health issues.
If you update more information/ details upon these suggestions,I would give further suggestions on medicines to correct your health issues.
If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following HCM link-http://doctor.healthcaremagic.com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229
Dear, if satisfied,Do close this query with YOUR pleasing and excellent feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at HCM services.
If you still want to update more details and ask more update queries ,
You are most Welcome herewith !!
Good Day!!
Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist

Bt sir I got confused with this conversation.i could NT point ur actual diagnosis..is it cellulitis or suture granuloma..does any of them present such a slow clinical picture
I will not be able to come to XXXXXXX as I m based in XXXXXXX if u can suggest me some expert in XXXXXXX to deal with I will be greatful
To be honest I have read of a term of necrotising fascitis and I m scared I might get that..
Till the time I was yakin att medicines I dint have this subcutaneous edema which came in may wen I left att in april..so sometimes mymind says may be that radiologist is right who said this is cellulitis and reoccurence of kochs who conducted may USG
The July said its necrosis,now who is right I m not sure ..very disturebed whatto do
I know the limitation this virtual conversation but still if u can sugest me whether I should follow this gynaec advice...
Is it right to take this medicine
Zinase d od
Hirudoid creamtds
Flunil 10 mg
Duphaston nd
Becosule z
For last I m taking these three can I do hot fomentation of this arae ..pls help sir

And more specific and important question to ask was that I attached a specific pic of my mri that is showing some adheisons as pointed is that on scar of abdoimnal wall or some other fibrosis ..can this be scar endometrioisis..i m attaching this pic again..pls do guide me on that
Is there any blood tests to rule out if cellulitis or fat necrosis or suture granuloma.or drug resistant tb
Post-C section?adhesive panniculitis with bloating?TB/ / Under Evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your appreciative remarks and update marathon query to Me.
I reviewed facts of your updated query in context to your health issues and feel concerned about them.
Comments and Suggestions on Marathon update queries -
Dear, there is limitation to any virtual consultation(like this) as against to the one given after thorough physical examination. Your case being complex, needs physical consultation, which you can take from any Surgeon/ Gynaecologist in XXXXXXX
I can understand that any amount of simplified interaction would be confusing for you as a laywomen, that's why I've tried to make it as simple as possible from the beginning.
All the issues related to your first query, are made very clear on each of point in last reply.
I would suggest you to have faith in the attending gynaecologist doctor and discuss all these issues asked in update queries.
Still to satisfy you, I would be brief to sum up My replies to your update queries as follows-
Q-1-.i could NT point ur actual diagnosis..is it cellulitis or suture granuloma..does any of them present such a slow clinical picture
Ans-1-Actual diagnosis can't be given in Virtual consultation, especially in unusual case like this. Please refer to all My replies given in last session, where all diagnostic probabilities expected were clearly explained.
You seem to suffer from post-op wound chronic infection with fibrotic band, which could be from suture granuloma. If problem disturbs you, surgical exploration of the suspected fibrotic band would resolve issues after Biopsy examination.
Q-2-To be honest I have read of a term of necrotising fascitis and I m scared I might get that..
Ans-2-Dear,please don't go by theoretical possibilities and get more worries from it.Stop googling,as necrotising fascitis is not a possibility in your case. So just forget it and Don't worry.
Q-3-I will not be able to come to XXXXXXX as I m based in XXXXXXX if u can suggest me some expert in XXXXXXX to deal with I will be greatful
Ans-3-Dear, You have good Gyneac and Surgeon doctors in XXXXXXX No need to come down to XXXXXXX
Q-4-Sir one thing more if at any point it is Tb,and I m asked for surgical biopsy,will it be safe to get operated in Tb as........?
Ans-Dear, with all the available tests in your case,you don't seem to have TB by any means. On Empirical basis ATT was started for your problem.
Real problem is wound related / suture related granuloma in your case, and is misjudged in your case. So just get Second consultation as suggested in last reply and reassess the clinical problem from another Specialist.
Q-5-can this be scar endometrioisis..i am attaching this pic again..pls do guide me on that?
Ans-Dear, by no means it is from endometriosis, unless proved by biopsy of the tissue, upon re-exploration for its removal. This is post operative adhesion, unless proved otherwise.
Q-6-still if u can suggest me whether I should follow this gynaec advice...Is it right to take this medicine ?
Ans-6-Dear,take treatments with faith on the attending doctor. So also you could
discuss all your above related health issues, with help from attending Gynaec doctor.
Just read My last reply, which is self explanatory about medicines.
Q-7-Is there any blood tests to rule out if cellulitis or fat necrosis or suture granuloma.or drug resistant tb
Ans-7-Only test in your case- is of" Surgical Wound- re-exploration and resolving all te worries with Excision-Biopsy of the suspected fibrotic band in the old wound area.
Dear, it seems that you have become hypochondriac as you are repeating queries, without reassessing from Second /third party Gynecologist/or Surgeon. This would resolve your worries.
Next appointment-
After 2 weeks to review treatment for problem .
Hope this reply would satisfy you .
If you update more information/ details upon these suggestions, I would give further suggestions on medicines to correct your health issues.
If need be, do update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following HCM link-http://doctor.healthcaremagic.com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229
Dear, if you don't have any further query in this regard, Do close this query with YOUR pleasing and feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at HCM services.
If you want to update more details and ask more update queries ,
You are most Welcome herewith !!
Good Day!!
Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist

Sry if I bothered u sir.yes may be I have become anxiuos about my health but yes I have suffered a lot in my postpartum period just because of negligence..varoous hit n trial..but nevertheless thanks for ur detailed advice
Can a gynae who is endosurgeon also will be able to handle tis case..she gave me duphaston 10 mg bd for 10 days though I don't have ny periods problem..is breast pain a side effect ofthis medicine
Post-C section?adhesive panniculitis with bloating?TB/ / Under Evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Hi Dear !! Thanks for your praising words and update query.
I in view of the health issues,dietary restraints as suggested in last reply is the basis of the accompanying low gut feeling,weakness.
Q-1-Pls sugegst a gud multivitamin
Ans-1-A course of antibiotics to control GI infection with chronic adhesive bowel loop syndrome, would recoup you from bloating,nausea,chills,malaise with it.
PPI- like Pantoprazole- for 1 week to control GERD(Acid Reflux) with it
Tab Dicyclopam with Paracetamol-to control chills/malaise for few days.
Enough liquid diet and fluids orally.
Rice banana/butter milk diet for 3-6 weeks.
Tab-Sublingual-Vit B12/Folic Acid- regularly till adhesions are resolved by surgical explorations.
Iron supplements- with script from family,gynec doctor-to treat accompanied anaemia, which is giving weakness feel.
Vit-D3 with Calcium,mangenesium,zinc,selenium Tab-regularly to recoup malabsoroption syndrome from blind loop effects from adhesive obstruction post
This what you need and not good vitamins ONLY,as it would not help alone.
Q-2-Can a gynae who is endosurgeon also will be able to handle tis case..?
Ans-2-Dear,Gyneac-Endosurgeon with open Surgical Training would be right person,as team leader in your case.Talk on these lines with your attending doctor.
Q-3-she gave me duphaston 10 mg bd for 10 days though I don't have ny periods problem..is breast pain a side effect of this medicine?
Ans-3-Yes,these breast pains are drug induced and are from duphaston.
Consult with Gyneac doctor to adjust its dosage.
If you update more information/ details upon these suggestions,I would give further suggestions on medicines to correct your health issues.
If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following HCM link-http://doctor.healthcaremagic.com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229
Dear, if you don't have any further query in this regard,Do close this query with YOUR pleasing and excellent feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at HCM services.
If you want to update more details and ask more update queries ,
You are most Welcome herewith !!
Good Day!!
Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist

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