Question: I woke up two days ago with sore knees, a stiff/sore neck, sore shoulder, sore elbow, sore end knuckle on my middle finger (specifically), sore ankles, and sore
sternum (I have been told in the past that I have chostocondritis, and this is the same type of pain). Today, I woke up with the same pain, but it is predominately located on my left side (left knuckle, left knee, left ankle, left side of my neck). This is an aching, joint pain, and while I'm not the doctor, no other symptoms seem to imply that this is a
heart attack or anything. I did nothing to instigate this (no physical exertion, etc). My neck feels like when you sleep on it wrong and I can hardly turn it. My knees are very painful to walk on. Once I get up and moving, the pain dissipates to some degree (it remains, but it is less intense). Any thoughts?