What Does The Following MRI Report Indicate?
Continue treatment under Neurologist care
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your question and understand your concern.
The treatment given immediately at hospital was right.
In blood clot, thrombolysis is indicated in appropriate patient within 4 and half hours.
The damage due to blood supply block is minimized by this therapy.
The damage and clinical recovery depends upon site and area of brain damaged.
The recovery in terms of speech and power may take weeks to months.
Hospitalization and Icu care may be required for 1-2 weeks.
Cardiac evaluation, carotid doppler, blood sugar, Lipid profile, renal function and liver function test should be done.
Maintain blood pressure and blood sugar.
Hope you found the answer helpful.
Do get back to me for further information.
Dr N Kumar
Continue treatment as advised by doctors
Detailed Answer:
Its good to hear that the clot is removed and no further progression of stroke occurred due to timely thrombolysis.
Now, the management is to control blood pressure, physiotherapy and postural care.
Ward management will be ok.
Prolonging ICU stay increases chances of infection.
As discussed earlier, clinical improvement in speech and power may take time. The area involved are having functions of motor power and speech.
Speech therapy and physiotherapy will be helpful.
Wishing her good health and early recovery.
Dr N Kumar