What Does The Following X-ray Result Indicate?
I would recommend as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thank you for asking on HCM!
I carefully passed through your question and would explain that Cardiomegaly means that your heart shadow is enlarged. This may be related to different causes:
- an enlarged heart
- presence of pericardial fluid
- presence of a mediastinal mass (a lesion in the mediastinal space).
From the other hand CHF stands for cardiac heart failure. It means that there is no other signs of heart failure (like pulmonary edema, peripheral edema or pleural effusion).
Another finding is a thoracic aorta which is mildly tortuous. This may be related to an enlargement of the aorta in this region.
But, you should know that chest X ray study is not a very specific test for the above mentioned issues. Further tests are needed to examine better your heart, mediastinal space and aorta.
Coming to this point, I would recommend consulting with your attending physician and performing some other tests:
- a resting ECG and a cardiac ultrasound to examine your heart function and structure, including a part of the aorta
- NT pro-BNP levels to investigate for possible heart failure
- a chest angio CT scan would help examine better the mediastinal space and the aorta.
You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues.
Hope you will find this answer helpful!
Feel free to ask me again whenever you need!
Kind regards,
Dr. Iliri