What Does The Following Study Report Indicate?
The study shows the position and incomplete evaluation of small intestine
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Please find my observations below.
1. Limited assessment of the small intestine means that the small intestine is not completely assessed in this study.
2. The ileum is the small intestine and in females the pouch of XXXXXXX is the area behind the uterus and in front of the rectum. In the males it is the space between bladder and rectum. The small intestine is said to occupy the position in pouch of XXXXXXX and this is not a problem.
3. The non complete assessment and small intestine in pouch of XXXXXXX are not of much significance. However the gut dysfunction might not be visualized on these scans and a enteroclysis or small bowel enema might provide more accurate information. Colonscopy might also be suggested to study the large bowel.
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Please discuss with old report
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1. The scans of your brain are to be discussed in detail. he brain stem medulla are delicate and inner parts which are usually not affected by a fall. However old reports are to be discussed in detail keeping in mind the nerve damage of probably congenital origin and the headaches you have after the fall.
2. Other than the nerve damage your headaches might be due to concussion injury and rarely it might stay for few years.
3. It is not clear regarding the abnormal small intestine and bladder being out of place. This also requires a complete discussion based on report.
4. The stomach having slow transit time might be naive or acquired. I hope this is confirmed by barium meal follow through.
5. Request you to please send in updates.
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Please find details below
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1. There are people who might have mild medulla abnormality from birth and lead a normal life. You might be in this group.
2. The colonoscopy report shows non specific chronic colitis. This is a mild inflammation of large bowel and treated symptomatically and with diet changes.
3. The uterus might be evaluated on ultrasound scan to know accurately about the uterus finding and this is likely benign.
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You might have weak bladder and bowel muscle control
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1. There are chances that you have a weak muscle control of the bowel and bladder which might have arisen due to your fall during childhood.
2. Doing pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises will help you.
3. Please try to be relaxed when passing urine and stools.
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Please find details below
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1. I think it will benefit you if you keep your mind relaxed and try and do some physiotherapy for the pins and needles type of pain which is probably from a spine condition.
2. No active intervention is required for the bowel and bladder functions and your should get treated only if there are any specific symptoms for short duration.
3. For the tiredness it is suggested that you get your heart and thyroid function evaluated by your doctor.
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Please have frequent small meals regularly through the day
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1. Diverticulitis is infection in the large bowel from out pouching. This is treated with medicines for short duration like a weeks.
2. You should have small regular meals every few hours and include fibers in your food.
3. Laxatives every few days is acceptable but try to avoid it too much.
4. Your heart will respond to treatment with medicines and anxiety will also get controlled.
5. For the neck I suggest a clinical examination and treatment after confirmation of diagnosis.
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