What Does The Following Ultrasound Report Indicate?
Condition serious if infection or severe inflammation is present
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query.
I'm Dr. Shuba Hariprasad and will be answering your query today.
Cholelithiasis is the formation of stones in the gall bladder. The normal function of the gall bladder is to store bile acids to be released when necessary to digest food.
When there are stones, it can block this flow of bile and cause inflammation and infection (cholecystitis) . In a severe cases this needs to beremoved.
The liver which is connected to the gall bladder can also be inflamed and enlarged due to this.
I recommend :
-a gastroenterologist opinion
-a CT scan of the abdomen (as suggested by your doctor) to see the extent of disease.
-blood tests (complete blood count, liver function tests, kidney tests, amylase & lipase to check for pancreatic involvement, lactate dehydrogenase, CRP)
Based on your mother's clinical findings and blood test results, we can assess the next course of action.
If uncomplicated, the gall bladder can be removed laparoscopically to avoid further complications.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects joints and does not complicate the gall bladder disease but medications taken for rheumatoid arthritis might need to be adjusted for the dosage and frequency in case if liver damage. Please check with your doctor about these medications.
To answer your question - Cholelithiasis is not serious unless it causes infection or ruptures. Although your doctor mentioned severe Cholelithiasis, you didn't mention if she has fever, abdominal pain.
The sooner the treatment the better.
In the meantime, she should be well hydrated, avoid fatty, oily meals and if she develops fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, take her to the emergency room.
Hope this helps.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Wish you both good health.
Dr. Shuba Hariprasad