What Does This MRI Of Bursitis Of Shoulder Joint And Rotator Cuff Tear In Shoulder Indicate?
Rotator cuff and bursa both are involved.
Detailed Answer:
I have read your query.
You have not given history of previous fall or minor trauma, anyways. Your MRI scan tells about bursitits of shoulder joint and rotator cuff tear in shoulder.
For your information I want to explain you a little bit about rotator cuff. Rotator cuff helps in all the movements of shoulder joint and bursa act as lubricant and shock absorber.
Rotator cuff refers collectively to a group of four relatively small muscles that surround the ball and socket joint of the shoulder. These muscles are called the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor.
Your MRI scan shows defect in both these components and if pain and loss of movement are severe, then you definitely need arthroscopic surgery.
Cost of surgery vary from $17000-22000.
I hope you have got your answer.
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