What Does This MRI Report Indicate?
I have been diagnosed with perianal abscess which has become organized in 3 months since the first diagnosis. MRI result (latest): Linear transphincteric fistula tract noted extending from lower anal canal into the left ischioanal fossa. The tract is terminating in a small subcutaneous abscess measuring 25 mmx15mm. The internal opening is into the anal mucosa at 1o' clock position~15mm from anal verge.
But the consulting doctor says the abscess has become organized and part of tissue, and there is very limited area containing pus which needs to be drained via external incision, deliberately form fistula tract & later treat for the fistula surgically.
What happens then to the part of the abscess that is organized? Will surgery affect the sphincter muscles? Will it affect continence post surgery or at a later date? Is it advisable to pursue homeopathy as an option? Pls help.
Treatment Required
Detailed Answer:
I appreciate your interest in Homeopathy
I have gone through the details provided by you.
That really help me to understand your problem.
After that i want to share with you that Homeopathy is effective in treatment of anal abscess. We have had many patient who were treated by homeopathy and got good result.
You have mentioned that there are some pus has been formed and need to be drained. It means the infection has been spread. And in such case it is important to treat the infection immediately. If not treated it will lead to some serious trouble. I am suggesting some Medicine which will help to cure infection
Hepar Sulph 3x 4 pills twice in day
Silicia 30 6 pills three times in day
We will share once infection is cured. Followup with progress
You may also go for surgical procedure for quick relief. That could be a good option for quick relief.
Surgery is safe way of treating abscess and not affect sphincter muscle
Consult your physician for his opinion in detail.
Hope this is clear to you.
In case of any query feel free to contact
Dr Ratnesh