What Does This Lab Report Indicate?
execcessive gas bowel shadow
borderlining enlarge liver with edematous thickeing gall blader
heart patient already stunt planed in 2010
age 70 yr
pls tell me parmanent treatment
Endoscopic surgery of TURP is the best treatment option
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query .
Based on the facts and scanning reports that you have uploaded you seem to have obstructive voiding symptoms due to Enlarged prostate .
In view of isolated enlarged median lobe with significant post void urine residue there is less chance of you getting relief with medical management .Hence I will suggest you to undergo endoscopic surgery of Trans Urethra Resection of Prostate (TURP).
This is a gold standard surgery for removal of enlarged prostate practiced world wide and gives permanent cure and improves quality of life at this age .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions , I shall be happy to help you .
Thanks and Regards.
again this is happening.
Doctors are saying again surgery will have a heart attack risk.
He has recurrence of Enlarged prostate .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .
There are high possibility of recurrence of enlarged prostate which is reflected in Ultrasound Scanning .This is not uncommon to get recurrence after 10 -15 years after surgery.
With recent advances in field of endoscopic surgery and anesthesia there is hardly any morbidity in TURP .
You need to consult well experienced XXXXXXX Urologist .
Thanks and Regards.
doctor told its intestine Obstruction.
he was very weak for ct scan, today ct scan will b done.
please suggest doctors
It is unlikely to be intestinal Obstruction
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .Intestinal obstruction always presents with pain in abdomen ,distention of abdomen and vomiting .Gas bowel shadows seen in scanning may be due to constipation .
You can consult any Urologist in XXXXXXX in your area.
Thanks and Regards.