What Does This Negative Anti-HBc IgM Test Report Indicate?
i have gone through blood test and scanning.
HBSAG = Positive (CMIA Method) 1.35 (>= 0.05 reactive)
HBSAG = NEGATIVE (ELISA Method) < 0.10
Total antibodies to Hepatits B Core antigen(HBctotal)[CMIA] = Reactive(1.90) (>= 1.0 is reactive)
HEPATITIS B CORE ANTIBODY - (IgM) (Anti-HBc IgM) (ELFA) = Negative (0.01)
HEPATITIS B SURFACE ANTIGEN (HBsAg) (CMIA) = Reactive (1.35) ( >= .05 is reactive)
SGPT =66 ( Range 16- 63 )
Abdominal scanning = NORMAL ( no swelling in liver)
HBV DNA quantitative anlaysis value = NORMAL ( below the range)
Sir Pls help me am worried a lot what;'s happening in my body
doctor told me to do serum anti-HBe level and Anti-HBc IgG level.
pls am requesting u can u answer me HBSAG can be made negative ???if anti-HBe level and Anti-HBc IgG level serum reports are normal or life long i have to carry this virus? how to cure this beacuse in Hbsag (ELISA method) it's negative.
so pls tell me i want to know how can i become -ve for this virus?
You do not need therapy as of now.
Detailed Answer:
As per your history you possibly seem to be in Inactive HBV carrier state.
You are certainly HBsAg positive.
Since Anti-HBc IgM- Negative (0.01)-it indicates infection in remote past.
You are HBsAg positive and HBeAg negative.Now 2 POSSIBILITIES arise-
If you are both Anti-HBc (IgG) is positive,and Anti-HBe is also positive,it will indicate Low infectivity/HBeAg–negative hepatitis B/Inactive hepatitis B carriers.
Inactive hepatitis B carriers does not require any anti-viral therapy but to remain under periodic evaluation for re-activation with 3 monthly LFT and viral DNA quantification.
Few carriers eventually become HBsAg negative spontaneously.
Hence as of now you do not need therapy, wait and watch procedure can be adopted.
Post your further queries if any.
Thank you.
can u tell me is it chances of hbsag become negative if i do good healthy diet ..
if it is become negative then can i take vaccianation
am worried a lot about my life how this virus can cause trouble in future?/
pls pls tell me any chances i can come out completeley from this Hepatites B virus and live without any problem... pls suggest me and give some more detail about this how to get out from this.
and pls in word can u answer me this virus will go out of from my body with good healthy diet?
Healthy diet definetely has a role.
Detailed Answer:
Hi Sir,
Welcome again.
I understand your concern.
As I said earlier you may not need any therapy now and vaccination is needed only once your lab values become negative for HbsAg.
In 20 percent of cases spontaneous resolution occurs,so do not worry.
Yes healthy diet has significant value in improving your condition.
Avoid smoking and alcohol.Take healthy and balanced,timely.Avoid excess fat intake.
You must get a periodic LFT and HBV viral DNA loads to look for reactivation if any.
Post your further queries if any,
Thank you.