What Does This Routine Urine Test Report Indicate?
Microscopic Hematuria
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to the HCM
I have gone through your question and the report attached. Report suggests that your child is suffering from microscopic hematuria. The reason seems to be Urinary tract infection or High fever per se. Don't worry. I see such patients in my clinical practice and recommend the following:
1. Get her blood pressure checked and check her urine culture report for any bacterial growth as planned by your pediatrician as many a times this can be due to bacterial infection. Even if the report comes negative, I would advice to start your daughter on antibiotics such as cefixime.
2. If culture is negative then urine calcium:creatinine ratio is recommended to rule out hypercalciuria which can lead to microscopic hematuria at times.
3. Renal and bladder ultrasonography to rule out any structural defect is advisable.
If everything comes fine, then just get her blood pressure and urine checked every 3 months until hematuria resolves.
If in rare possibility it continues for more than 1 year, then a pediatric nephrologist opinion will be useful.
Hopefully this will help you. For any further questions, you may contact me.
Take care