What Does This Ultrasonography Report Indicate?

Urinary bladder is distended & appears normal. Uterus shows single, regular intrauterine gestational sac with fetal pole. Fetal movements & cardiac activity well appreciated. F.HR – 160 / BPM. CRL – 5.11cm – 12w. NT measures 1.6mm (Normal). Well forming nasal bone. Choroid plexus appears normal. Placenta-Developing Posteriorly. No sub-chronic collection/bleed. Internal os is closed. Cervix length is adequate. Left ovary is normal in size and echotexture. Right ovary normal in size and echotexture.
Would like to see the images and reports
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your narration about the ultrasonography reports of your wife.
The stomach bubble partially distended denotes that the stomach is developing.
The ultrasonography dating matches using CRL with the period of amenorrhoea; i.e. missed period or the gestational age. The Nuchal translucency is within normal limits. All other findings and the limbs development also is normal.
Would you please upload the ultrasonography reports and the images for me to review? Prima facae everything seems to be within normal limits.
The placenta is located in the safer zone and is developing normally. The cervix is also closed with adequate length indicating that it is not weak and can hold the weight of the baby during the pregnancy. She does not require reinforcement stitch to the cervix.
I feel this should take away your concern; however after viewing the images and reports I may have clearer picture.
If you want any more information, I am always available for you, XXXXXXX

Dear Sir
I have attached the Report & Images of my daughter-in-law.
I could see some attachments
Detailed Answer:
I will explain you why I am keen on the images, rather the detailed reports. I want to rule out that there is no obstruction ahead of stomach. The images are clear enough for me to decide. Will you please get this issue clarified from your sonologist?
For any further opinion, you are most welcome.
If you are satisfied with the information, you may post a review with 5 start rating for me.

I presume that there is no such issue of stomach bubble, as mentioned by Ultrasonologist in his Report that “Stomach bubble partially distended”.
Thanks & regards,
Within normal limits
Detailed Answer:
In that case, all her findings are within normal limits and none of these indicate any problem in the pregnancy, unless any new ailment crops up.
I have got a feeling that she should go to the term uneventfully and have a normal bony baby to Breastfeed.

Is it necessary to cut a piece from breast with needle and test it? Your advice/reply please.
Benign Tumours
Detailed Answer:
This seems to be a new lesion cropped up!:)
I have gone through the images and the reports. The tumours present in the breast are sizable no doubt, however they are having well defined margins suggesting that they are likely to be non-cancerous(benign) tumours.
The fibroadinoma of the breast is a benign tumour arising from the fibrous and the glandular tissue. They could have been present in her breast even before the pregnancy and went unnoticed or ignored. During pregnancy, as the breast tissues undergo multiplication, they become larger and conspicuous.
Looking at the images and the reports, I do not feel she has to undergo any biopsy of the tissue. However, since the sonologist has suggested FNAC to confirm the diagnosis made by ultrasonography, you cannot ignore it. I feel, his opinion could be to keep his position safe. I would advise you to discuss the matter with your Obstetrician. He/she has examined her breasts clinically. If the tumours are freely XXXXXXX she may not require any FNAC. Let him/her take the decision.
FNAC is just aspirating the tissue from the tumour with needle. No cutting, no suturing. It does not require any anaesthesia also.
I hope, I have given you sufficient guidance. I would like to have the follow up about this matter from you. Please keep in touch. For any more information, I am available for you XXXXXXX

The sample, for FNAC, is given in the LAB on 10-12-2015. I shall get the REPORT on 12-12-2015 at 07:30 PM; and hence I shall mail you the REPORT on 12-12-2015 at around 10PM.
Waiting for the reports
Detailed Answer:
That is fine. You can upload reports on this page. Alternatively you may mail it to YYYY@YYYY with subject as "Attn: Dr. Nishikant Shrotri.
I am keen on knowing the report, though I am confident, it should be benign.
For any more advice, feel free to communicate.
If you are satisfied, please post a good review with 5 stars rating for me.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri

I am producing below the contents of Report of Pathologist.
26 years old female with 12 wks of pregnancy. USG breasts – Bilateral fibroadenomas.
Fine needle aspiration done from the palpable lump at 3”O clock position, Rt. Breast. Very scanty haemorrhagic aspirate is obtained.
Smears are moderately cellular. Background is haemorrhagic. There are cohesive clusters of ductal epithelial cells. These cells have scanty to moderate amount of cytoplasm and central vesicular nuclei. Few bare nuclei are detected. There is no evidence of atypia or malignancy in the present smears.
Cytology suggests Benign lesion of the breast. Possibility of Fibroadenoma.
Excision biopsy for confirmatory diagnosis
Thanks & regards,
Take a XXXXXXX of relief
Detailed Answer:
The cytology report has been as per my prediction and expectation. There is no evidence of any cancer in the tumours. They are non-cancerous (benign) tumours. Moreover, the cells are not showing any inclination to become cancerous in future.
The excision biopsy means biopsy of the tumour after removing them. I do not feel you should go for it right now. You may wait till the breastfeeding is over.
After delivery and after brestfeeding, these tumours will regress in size. So you may review again after she stops breast feeding the child. Then depending upon the location, extent, size and number of tumours, further decision may be taken. That time, the doctor may advise you removal of the tumour(s) and then the tumour tissue can be examined under microscope (excision biopsy).
XXXXXXX please do not refrain from breast feeding the child with the excuse of the tumour. Start breast feeding to the child within first half to one hour of birth.
Now get rid of the stress and relax.
If there is anything else, please get back to me any time, XXXXXXX
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri

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